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Examining Undergraduate Students’ and In-Service Graduates’ Perceptions of Their Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Needs
Journal of Language and Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-31 , DOI: 10.17323/2411-7390-2019-5-1-63-84
Irina Yakusheva , Olga Marina , Oksana Demchenkova

Increasing workplace demands on foreign languages skills in professional settings call for a number of considerable changes in the university learning context regarding foreign language teaching. The present study aimed to assess the language needs within and across employed university graduates, first, third, and fourth-year students of non-language majors to further inform such changes. All four language skills, the context of both current foreign language education programs and the use of a foreign language at the workplace were considered. Questionnaires including Likert scale, multiple choice, and open-ended items were distributed among 110 students and 35 currently employed graduates. Descriptive statistics and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey HSD and Holm-Bonferroni tests were used to analyze the data. The results indicated several areas of agreement among the participants: A clear need for all four language skills to be developed as high as C2 level and the consistent need to improve speaking. However, several noticeable discrepancies between the perceptions of the target groups regarding the context of workplace language use, such as how often, where, and with whom they expect to communicate, and need for professionally oriented foreign language were revealed. Overall, students may need to be more informed about the challenges regarding the workplace context for language use.



工作场所对专业环境中外语技能的要求不断提高,这要求大学在外语教学方面的学习环境发生许多重大变化。本研究旨在评估非语言专业在职大学毕业生,一年级,三年级和四年级学生及其内部的语言需求,以进一步为此类变化提供信息。考虑了所有四种语言技能,当前外语教育计划的背景以及在工作场所使用外语的情况。问卷调查包括李克特量表,多项选择题和不限成员名额的问卷,分布在110名学生和35名当前就业的毕业生中。使用描述性统计和方差单向分析(ANOVA),然后进行Tukey HSD和Holm-Bonferroni检验来分析数据。结果表明与会人员在以下几个方面达成了共识:明确要求将所有四种语言技能发展到C2级,并且始终需要提高口语能力。但是,揭示了目标群体在工作场所语言使用背景方面的看法之间存在一些明显的差异,例如他们希望与之交流的频率,地点和对象,以及对专业外语的需求。总体而言,学生可能需要更多地了解有关使用语言的工作场所背景方面的挑战。揭示了目标群体在工作场所语言使用背景方面的看法之间的一些明显差异,例如,他们期望与之交流的频率,地点和对象,以及对专业外语的需求。总体而言,学生可能需要更多地了解有关使用语言的工作场所背景方面的挑战。揭示了目标群体在工作场所语言使用背景方面的看法之间的一些明显差异,例如他们期望与他人交流的频率,地点和对象,以及对专业外语的需求。总体而言,学生可能需要更多地了解有关使用语言的工作场所背景方面的挑战。