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Joshua Stopping the Sun and Ignatius of Loyola at Il Gesù in Rome
Journal of Jesuit Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-01 , DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00302003
Reshma Nayyar 1

In 1672, the Jesuit superior general Gian Paolo Oliva commissioned from Baciccio a lavish cycle of ceiling frescoes for Rome’s Il Gesu after earmarking the tribune vault for Giacomo Cortese to decorate with a representation of Joshua Stopping the Sun. Oliva also planned to translate Ignatius of Loyola’s remains to the high altar. Pope Gregory XV had explicitly likened Ignatius to the Old Testament general Joshua during the Jesuit founder’s canonization in 1622, and it may be inferred that Oliva intended to promote a hagiographic connection between the two figures through the prominent juxtaposition of Cortese’s fresco with the saint’s relics. However, the Ignatius-Joshua connection remained uncelebrated: the plan to translate the relics did not come to fruition, Cortese passed away in 1676, and the apse vault was eventually decorated by Baciccio with the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Cortese’s demise has heretofore been considered the decisive factor leading to the change in subject of the tribune fresco, but the clandestine correspondence of Lazzero Sorba, S.J., indicates another important factor was at play. These documents evidence an unusually strained relationship between the Society and Pope Innocent XI Odescalchi, elected in 1676. They suggest that the Society’s discomfiture vis-a-vis Innocent XI influenced its decision to replace the self-aggrandizing Joshua Stopping the Sun with the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb.


约书亚在罗马的 Il Gesù 挡住了洛约拉的太阳和伊格内修斯

1672 年,耶稣会高级将领吉安·保罗·奥利瓦 (Gian Paolo Oliva) 在指定了贾科莫·科尔特斯 (Giacomo Cortese) 的论坛金库用约书亚停止太阳的代表作装饰后,委托 Baciccio 为罗马的 Il Gesu 绘制了一系列豪华的天花板壁画。奥利瓦还计划将伊格内修斯的洛约拉遗体翻译到祭坛上。教皇格雷戈里十五世在 1622 年耶稣会创始人封圣期间明确将伊格内修斯比作旧约的约书亚将军,可以推断出奥利瓦打算通过科尔特斯的壁画与圣人遗物的突出并置来促进这两个人物之间的圣徒传记。然而,伊格内修斯和约书亚之间的联系仍未得到庆祝:翻译遗物的计划没有实现,科尔特斯于 1676 年去世,后殿拱顶最终由巴奇乔用神秘羔羊的崇拜装饰。迄今为止,Cortese 的去世一直被认为是导致论坛壁画主题发生变化的决定性因素,但 SJ Lazzero Sorba 的秘密通信表明另一个重要因素在起作用。这些文件证明了1676年的社会与教皇之间的异常紧张的关系。他们建议该社会的难题Vis-A-Vis Innocent Xi影响了其决定取代自我刺激的Joshua在崇拜中停止太阳的自我刺激。神秘的羔羊。J.,表明另一个重要因素在起作用。这些文件证明了1676年的社会与教皇之间的异常紧张的关系。他们建议该社会的难题Vis-A-Vis Innocent Xi影响了其决定取代自我刺激的Joshua在崇拜中停止太阳的自我刺激。神秘的羔羊。J.,表明另一个重要因素在起作用。这些文件证明了1676年的社会与教皇之间的异常紧张的关系。他们建议该社会的难题Vis-A-Vis Innocent Xi影响了其决定取代自我刺激的Joshua在崇拜中停止太阳的自我刺激。神秘的羔羊。