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The Japanese Contemptus mundi (1596) of the Bibliotheca Augusta: A Brief Remark on a New Discovery
Journal of Jesuit Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-21 , DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00501007
Katja Triplett 1

The duke of Brunswick-Luneburg, August the Younger (1579–1666), assembled one of the largest collections of books and manuscripts in seventeenth-century Europe at his residence in Wolfenbuttel, creating a world-renowned library that is today known as the Bibliotheca Augusta. In about 1662, the duke purchased an unusual 1596 print in Latin script of a religious work offered to him as Tractatus de contemptu mundi in lingua Japonica. It was included in the ethica and not, as one would expect, in the theologica section of his collection, and this may be one of the reasons why the Jesuit print has not been listed in the currently most complete bibliography of prints of the Japanese Jesuit mission press compiled in 1940 by Johannes Laures, S.J., and later supplemented. Apart from the Augusta print only two other prints seemed to have survived. The article introduces the new discovery and outlines possible reasons for the hitherto relative invisibility of the print.


奥古斯塔图书馆的日本蔑视世界 (1596):对新发现的简要评论

不伦瑞克-吕讷堡公爵小奥古斯特 (1579–1666) 在他位于 Wolfenbuttel 的住所收集了 17 世纪欧洲最大的书籍和手稿收藏之一,创建了一个世界知名的图书馆,今天被称为图书馆奥古斯塔。大约在 1662 年,公爵购买了一份不寻常的 1596 年拉丁文字版印刷品,该印刷品是一本宗教著作,名为 Tractatus de contemptu mundi(日本语)。它被包含在伦理学中,而不是,正如人们所期望的那样,在他收藏的神学部分,这可能是耶稣会印刷品没有被列入目前最完整的日本耶稣会印刷品书目的原因之一宣教出版社 1940 年由约翰内斯·劳雷斯 (SJ) 编纂,后来增补。除了奥古斯塔印刷品外,似乎只有另外两幅印刷品幸存下来。