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“Apostles and men of learning”: Miguel Venegas, Andrés Marcos Burriel, and the Jesuit Vocation for Natural History
Journal of Jesuit Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-30 , DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00401002
Bryan Green 1

The transformation of the Empressas apostolicas (1739), a manuscript history of the Jesuits’ missions in Lower California written by the novo-Hispanic Jesuit Miguel Venegas, into the Noticia de la California (1757), a thoroughly revised version of Venegas’s original prepared by the Spanish Jesuit Andres Marcos Burriel, provides a case study in how the enactment of the Jesuit ascetic ideal exercised on the Spanish-American mission frontier was closely linked to Enlightenment natural history and ethnography. Through an analysis of both works, as well as Burriel’s correspondence with his Jesuit confreres in New Spain, this article aims to demonstrate the underlying tension in eighteenth-century Jesuit writing between traditional, providential narratives and the skeptical, scientific discourse of secular natural histories. Burriel’s work, which was widely translated and disseminated throughout Europe, aimed to bridge these two discourses by employing the Society’s apostolic-ascetic vocation and global missionary network in the service of natural histories that would appeal to a secular reading public and inform Spanish colonial administration.



Empressas apostolicas (1739) 是由新西班牙裔耶稣会士 Miguel Venegas 撰写的关于耶稣会在下加利福尼亚州传教的手稿历史的转变,变成了《加利福尼亚通知》(1757 年),这是 Venegas 原稿的彻底修订版西班牙耶稣会士安德烈斯·马科斯·伯里尔 (Andres Marcos Burriel) 提供了一个案例研究,说明在西班牙裔美国人传教边界上实行的耶稣会禁欲主义理想如何与启蒙运动的自然历史和民族志密切相关。通过对这两部作品的分析,以及 Burriel 与他在新西班牙的耶稣会教友的通信,本文旨在展示 18 世纪耶稣会写作中传统的、天意的叙述与对世俗自然历史的怀疑、科学话语之间的潜在张力。布瑞尔的作品,