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“The Pilgrim Predestined and His Brother Reprobate”: Jesuit Formative Paths in the Seventeenth Century
Journal of Jesuit Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-30 , DOI: 10.1163/22141332-00401003
Marina Massimi 1

The article analyzes the allegorical Brazilian novel Historia do Predestinado peregrino e de seu irmao Precito (The story of the pilgrim Predestined and his brother Reprobate) (1682) in the light of the history of psychological knowledge. The novel’s author, Alexandre de Gusmao (1695–1753), was an important member of the Society of Jesus in Brazil who became the director of Jesuit schools in the region. The article shows that the novel proposes a link between the psychological and spiritual dimensions, a link necessary for health and decisive in the healing of mental disorders. The role of psychological dynamism depends on the choice of an appropriate target or, in other words, on appetites being directed toward an appropriate object.


“命中注定的朝圣者和他的兄弟弃绝”:17 世纪耶稣会的形成之路

本文从心理学知识史的角度分析了巴西寓言小说Historia do Predestinado peregrino e de seu irmao Precito(The story of the pilgrim Predestined and his Brother Reprobate)(1682)。小说的作者亚历山大·德·古斯芒(Alexandre de Gusmao,1695-1753 年)是巴西耶稣会的重要成员,后来成为该地区耶稣会学校的负责人。文章表明,小说提出了心理和精神层面之间的联系,这是健康所必需的联系,对精神障碍的治愈具有决定性意义。心理动力的作用取决于对适当目标的选择,或者换句话说,取决于对适当对象的胃口。