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Sports Lodges in the Ottoman Empire Depicted in the Travel Book (Seyahat-Name) of Evliya Çelebi
Annals of Applied Sport Science Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.29252/aassjournal.7.1.49
Ayhan Dever ,

Background. Sport lodges are institutions that are responsible for providing athletes with accommodation, food and training. Sport lodges had the same tasks as today's sports clubs and played a vital role in the institutionalization and development of sports within the borders of the Ottoman Empire. Evliya Çelebi is a prominent 17th century traveler. During his lifetime, he traveled throughout the Ottoman Empire and compiled in his 10-volume Seyahatname (Travelogue) what he saw, experienced and heard throughout his journeys. Objectives. The aim of this study was to trace in Evliya Çelebi's Seyahatname the sport lodges established in the Ottoman Empire. The general structure of sport lodges was addressed based on Evliya Çelebi's notes in Seyahatname. Methods. A literature review was conducted and the parts of Seyahatname describing sport lodges were screened and analyzed. Moreover, books on Turkish Sport History were examined and additional information was presented. Results. Evliya Çelebi's Seyahatname mentions three sport lodges established in Bursa, Edirne and Istanbul but makes no reference to other sport lodges established especially in Anatolia. The analysis of Seyahatname shows that sport lodges can be regarded as the world's first sport museums. Conclusion. It is recommended that further studies be conducted to investigate sport lodges in



背景。运动场馆是负责为运动员提供住宿,饮食和训练的机构。体育旅馆的任务与当今的体育俱乐部相同,并且在奥斯曼帝国边界内体育的制度化和发展中发挥了至关重要的作用。EvliyaÇelebi是一位著名的17世纪旅行者。在他的一生中,他游遍了整个奥斯曼帝国,并在他的10卷Seyahatname(Travelogue)中整理了自己在旅途中所见,所见和所闻。目标。这项研究的目的是追溯奥斯曼帝国建立的运动旅馆EvliyaÇelebi的Seyahatname。运动场馆的总体结构是根据Seyahatname中EvliyaÇelebi的笔记提出的。方法。进行了文献综述,并对Seyahatname中描述运动场馆的部分进行了筛选和分析。此外,还审查了有关土耳其体育史的书籍,并介绍了其他信息。结果。EvliyaÇelebi的Seyahatname提到了在布尔萨,爱迪尔内和伊斯坦布尔建立的三座运动旅馆,但未提及其他在安纳托利亚建立的运动旅馆。对Seyahatname的分析表明,运动场馆可以被视为世界上最早的运动博物馆。结论。建议进行进一步的研究以调查美国的运动场馆 爱迪尔内(Edirne)和伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul),但未提及其他在安纳托利亚(Anatolia)特别设立的运动旅馆。对Seyahatname的分析表明,运动场馆可以被视为世界上最早的运动博物馆。结论。建议进行进一步的研究以调查美国的运动场馆 爱迪尔内(Edirne)和伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul),但未提及其他在安纳托利亚(Anatolia)特别设立的运动旅馆。对Seyahatname的分析表明,运动场馆可以被视为世界上最早的运动博物馆。结论。建议进行进一步的研究以调查美国的运动场馆