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Comprehensible Input and Krashen's theory
Journal of Classics Teaching ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s2058631019000060
Robert Patrick

Over the last 20 years in the United States a curious and likely unpredictable movement has been evolving in the way that we teach Latin and ancient Greek. A set of pedagogical principles known as Comprehensible Input (hereafter CI) has become a vehicle of change affecting our classrooms, our professional organisations and our teacher training programs as well as our relationships with and our positions in world language organisations. These changes to the teaching of classical languages were unpredictable because at the outset CI represented a set of hypotheses and then principles that even their progenitor, Stephen Krashen, thought of as the way into acquiring modern languages while teachers of classical languages had constructed a fortified wall around themselves built on the notion that Latin and ancient Greek were uniquely different from modern languages and, therefore, required different approaches. In many iterations of this wall, only a select cadre of students was thought (and easily demonstrated to be) capable of or even interested in mastering classical languages. This article will examine very briefly what this wave of change has been like in the Latin classrooms and institutions of the US and examine in particular the principles of Comprehensible Input: what they propose, how they are being practised in Latin classrooms, and the obstacles they encounter as well as opportunities they afford Latin programs which intend to survive and thrive in the coming years.



在美国的过去 20 年中,我们教授拉丁语和古希腊语的方式发生了一种奇怪且可能无法预测的运动。一套被称为可理解输入(以下简称 CI)的教学原则已成为影响我们的课堂、我们的专业组织和我们的教师培训计划以及我们与世界语言组织的关系和我们在世界语言组织中的职位的变革工具。古典语言教学的这些变化是不可预测的,因为一开始 CI 代表了一组假设,然后是甚至它们的祖先斯蒂芬·克拉申 (Stephen Krashen) 的原则,被认为是获得现代语言的途径,而古典语言的教师则在自己周围建造了一道坚固的墙,其基础是拉丁语和古希腊语与现代语言有独特的不同,因此需要不同的方法。在这堵墙的多次迭代中,只有一小部分学生被认为(并且很容易证明)有能力甚至有兴趣掌握古典语言。本文将非常简要地研究这一变革浪潮在美国的拉丁语课堂和机构中的情况,并特别研究可理解输入的原则:它们提出了什么,如何在拉丁语课堂中实践它们,