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Promotion of Students Participation and Academic Achievement in Large Classes: An Action Research Report
International Journal of Instruction ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.29333/iji.2019.12224a
Sumathi Kumaraswamy ,

Businesses and employers look for graduates who could collaborate and work effectively in team projects. Consequently, it is important to introduce, train and develop collaborative skills in students at different levels to prepare them to meet the labour market needs. This action research introduced group activity in finance course to improve the students’ participation and their academic achievement through group activities. The results of observation indicated that the students’ participation increased with group activity strategy. The increased students’ participation had an impact on their academic achievement. The empirical results clearly indicated that the average scores of students had increased from 2.75 to 7.24 after the introduction of group activities. The students also well perceived the group activity strategy as they found it interesting and useful and it had changed the way they learned the course. The empirical results of Factor analysis identified the core factor that influenced student’s participation through group activities was greatly influenced by the peers included in each group. In a nutshell, group activity strategy has proved effective and successful in promoting student participation and academic achievement in large classes.



企业和雇主寻找能够在团队项目中有效协作和工作的毕业生。因此,重要的是要在不同层次的学生中引入、培训和发展协作技能,使他们做好满足劳动力市场需求的准备。本行动研究在金融课程中引入小组活动,通过小组活动提高学生的参与度和学业成绩。观察结果表明,学生的参与度随着小组活动策略的增加而增加。学生参与度的提高对他们的学业成绩产生了影响。实证结果清楚地表明,引入小组活动后,学生的平均成绩从2.75 提高到7.24。学生们也很好地理解了小组活动策略,因为他们发现它有趣且有用,并且改变了他们学习课程的方式。因子分析的实证结果确定了影响学生通过小组活动参与的核心因素受每个小组所包含的同龄人的影响很大。简而言之,小组活动策略已被证明在促进大班学生参与和学业成就方面是有效和成功的。