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Archaeobotanical Investigations into Golbai Sasan and Gopalpur, Two Neolithic-Chalcolithic Settlements of Odisha
Ancient Asia ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/aa.164
Eleanor Kingwell-Banham , Emma Karoune nee Harvey , Rabindra Kumar Mohanty , Dorian Q. Fuller

This paper presents the results of plant macro-remain and phytolith analyses from two Neolithic-Early Historic mounded settlement sites in Odisha, eastern India: Gopalpur and Golbai Sasan. Macrobotanical and phytolith samples were taken throughout the stratigraphy and the results are presented here. The plant remains confirm the presence of a distinct agricultural economy in Neolithic-Chalcolithic Odisha based on rice (Oryza sativa), pulses (Vigna spp., Macrotyloma uniflorium and Cajanus cajan) and millets (Bracharia ramosa, Panicum spp., Setaria spp. and possibly Paspalum sp.). Crop processing activities have been reconstructed using both phytoliths and macro-remains, and suggest that threshing occurred off site as part of a communal harvesting strategy. Potential differences between the economies of Golbai Sasan and Gopalpur are suggested, with a broader range of pulses present at Gopalpur. Radiocarbon dates from individual rice grains and legumes provide a secure chronology for the sites. This paper therefore provides the first published details for the agricultural base of the Neolithic-Chalcolithic coastal lowlands in Odisha, as well as new AMS radiocarbon dates for the Odishan Neolithic-Chalcolithic period.



本文介绍了印度东部奥里萨邦的两个新石器时代-早期历史的丘陵定居点植物Gopalpur和Golbai Sasan的植物宏观残留量和植石体分析结果。在整个地层中均采集了大型植物和植物岩样品,并在此处介绍了结果。该植物残存物证实了新石器时代-石器时代的奥里萨邦以稻米(Oryza sativa),豆类(Vigna spp。,Macropyloma uniflorium和Cajanus cajan)和小米(Bracharia ramosa,Paniccum spp。,Setaria spp。和。)为基础的独特的农业经济。可能是Paspalum sp。)。作物加工活动已经使用植硅石和大块残留物进行了重建,表明脱粒是作为公共收获策略的一部分在场外发生的。建议在Golbai Sasan和Gopalpur经济体之间存在潜在差异,在Gopalpur拥有更广泛的脉冲。来自各个稻谷和豆类的放射性碳年代为这些地点提供了可靠的时间顺序。因此,本文首次公开了奥里萨邦新石器时代-胆石器时代的沿海低地的农业基础,以及奥迪山新石器时代-胆石器时代的新的AMS放射性碳年代。