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Coordinators Bridge Residents and Artists in Regional Japan: A Case Study of the Art Project Hanarart
International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-15 , DOI: 10.21315/ijaps2017.13.2.1
Shiro Horiuchi ,

In the age of globalisation, the transiency of individuals has been increasing. Consequently, some regional communities face the risk of collapse and disappearance. Particularly in Japan, centralisation in and around global cities such as Tokyo has accelerated the decline of regional communities. Given this current clime, residents of regional areas would benefit from building ties with outsiders in order to keep their communities strong. Certain individuals could take on the role of coordinator, who can work to bridge the gap between the residents and outsiders. The role of the coordinator, however, is not yet clear. This study introduces a case study of the art project Hanarart ( はならぁと) which involves residents and outside artists in regional areas of Nara, Japan. Part of the art project intends to renovate and reuse the machiya buildings in Japanese traditional style, with the help of site-specific contemporary art that will fit well with the machiya style. In the art project, outside artists prepare their artworks in the abandoned buildings, which are managed by the residents. During the first stage of the project, residents and artists did not communicate well due to either their indifference or ignorance toward each other's interests. In the next stage, however, assigned coordinators promoted communication between the residents and artists for the sake of contemporary art. Through the process of trial and error, the project resulted in contributing to the community in a number of ways. The renovated and repurposed machiya buildings helped to develop communication among the various individuals, which led to the building of IJAPS, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1–22, 2017 Coordinators Bridge Residents and Artists 2 culturally creative areas. These areas have proved inspiring for regional community members with the involvement of various outsiders in community activities.



在全球化时代,个人的瞬息万变。因此,一些区域社区面临崩溃和消失的风险。特别是在日本,东京等全球城市及其周围地区的集中化加速了区域社区的衰落。鉴于目前的这种情况,区域居民将受益于与外界的联系,以保持社区的强大。某些人可以担当协调员的角色,他们可以努力弥合居民与外界之间的鸿沟。但是,协调员的作用尚不清楚。这项研究介绍了一项艺术项目Hanarart(はならぁと)的案例研究,该项目涉及日本奈良地区的居民和外部艺术家。该艺术项目的一部分旨在借助适合于町屋风格的特定地点的当代艺术,对日本传统风格的町屋建筑进行翻新和再利用。在艺术项目中,外部艺术家在被居民管理的废弃建筑物中准备艺术品。在项目的第一阶段,由于居民和艺术家之间的冷漠或对彼此利益的无知,他们之间的沟通不畅。然而,在下一阶段,为了当代艺术,指派的协调员促进了居民与艺术家之间的交流。通过反复试验的过程,该项目以多种方式为社区做出了贡献。经过翻修和改建的町屋建筑有助于增进个人之间的交流,这导致了IJAPS,第 13,2017年第2号,第1-22期,协调员在居民和艺术家之间架起了2个文化创意区。事实证明,这些领域启发了区域社区成员,使各种外部人士参与了社区活动。