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Humanism in Islamic Education: Indonesian References
International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-15 , DOI: 10.21315/ijaps2017.13.1.5
Abur Hamdi Usman , , Syarul Azman Shaharuddin , Salman Zainal Abidin , ,

In the context of nationality, the role of education is to prepare students to face the future and promote a sense of dignity among other nations. For Indonesia, humanistic values were incorporated and formulated into Pancasila, which is often referred to as humanistic-universalistic. This paper aims to review the formulation of national education goals that are in sync with the concept of universal humanistic education. It investigates an Islamic education as an integral part of Indonesian national education can achieve both national and humanistic education goals without contradicting each other or the teachings of Islam. The finding implies that orientation of the education system in Islamic educational institutions starts with a theocentric philosophy, which emphasises the importance of the afterlife over life in this world. Throughout the educational process, students intensively explore the comprehensive teachings and practices of Islam. Islamic teachings explicitly describe the practice of Islam in terms of the IJAPS, Vol. 13, No. 1, 95–113, 2017 Humanism in Islamic Education 96 implementation of Islamic humanism. Therefore, an emphasis on moral goodness, unity and brotherhood and the cultivation of independence in Muslim characters are the main pillars of Islamic humanism in the Islamic educational institutions. As a concept, this paper suggests that the implementation of Islamic humanism would require a policy that is conducive to the realisation that the concept must be humane and must become a reality. Responsibility for such a policy would be shared among all components of the nation, from the government, as the main educational policymaker, to the schools that provide education and the parents and the community that will benefit from the education. These factors are responsible for the realisation of humanistic education.


