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Book Review: Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State
International Indigenous Policy Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2020.11.1.8355
Alfred De Zayas

In this timely and morally necessary book, Tamara Starblanket gives particular attention to the forced transfer of Indigenous children to institutions whose raison d’etre was to indoctrinate and “educate” them away from their culture and heritage so as to erase Indigenous memory and reprogram younger generations as “Canadians.” These institutions were notorious for death and disease, torture, forced starvation, forced labour, and sexual predation. The book’s structure is well-ordered, the argumentation compelling, but not in phoney “scholarly detachment,” instead in conscious compilation and analysis of the evidence, supported by the force of ethics and a commitment to truth and justice, regardless of zeitgeist and political correctness.



在这本及时且具有道德必要性的书中,塔玛拉·斯塔兰凯特(Tamara Starblanket)特别关注了土著儿童被迫转移到其存在理由是要灌输和“教育”他们远离其文化和遗产,以消除土著记忆并重新编程的机构。世代称为“加拿大人”。这些机构因死亡和疾病,酷刑,强迫饥饿,强迫劳动和性掠夺而臭名昭著。该书的结构井然有序,论点令人信服,但不是以电话形式的“学者分离”,而是有意识地汇编和分析证据,并得到伦理学的力量以及对真理和正义的承诺的支持,无论时代精神和政治如何。正确性。