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Factors Affecting Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding Among Off-Reserve Indigenous Children in Canada
International Indigenous Policy Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-14 , DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2019.10.1.5
Isabella Romano , Martin Cooke , Piotr Wilk

Indigenous children in Canada are less likely to be breastfed compared to non-Indigenous children; however, little information about rates and correlates of breastfeeding exist. We used a nationally representative survey to examine breastfeeding initiation (n = 9,330) and duration (n = 6,760) among First Nations, Metis, and Inuit children. In our sample, 72.5% of children had been breastfed, and 57.9% of these individuals were breastfed until six months. Factors associated with increased breastfeeding included mothers’ educational attainment, children’s weight at birth, mothers' residential school attendance, and region of residence. Having Indian Status and lower household income were associated with lower breastfeeding initiation and duration. Our findings suggest that targeted efforts to encourage and support breastfeeding among Indigenous women are needed. Additional research using contemporary data are required in Canada.



与非土著儿童相比,加拿大的土著儿童不太可能进行母乳喂养;但是,关于母乳喂养的速度和相关性的信息很少。我们使用了一项全国代表性的调查,对原住民,梅蒂斯人和因纽特人的孩子进行母乳喂养开始(n = 9,330)和持续时间(n = 6,760)。在我们的样本中,有72.5%的儿童使用了母乳喂养,其中57.9%的儿童使用了母乳喂养直至六个月。与母乳喂养增加有关的因素包括母亲的受教育程度,孩子出生时的体重,母亲在寄宿学校的出勤率以及居住地区。具有印度身份和较低的家庭收入与较低的母乳喂养开始时间和持续时间有关。我们的发现表明,需要有针对性的努力来鼓励和支持土著妇女的母乳喂养。加拿大需要使用当代数据进行其他研究。