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Estimating the price range and the effect of price bundling strategies
European Journal of Management and Business Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-27 , DOI: 10.1108/ejmbe-04-2019-0066
Sérgio Dominique-Ferreira , Cristina Antunes

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and identify the price sensitivity of consumers of three- and five-star hotels and to determine the impact of bundling strategies on consumers’ price sensitivity.,To calculate price sensitivity, authors apply the van Westendorp’s price sensitivity meter (PSM). To understand the impact of bundling strategies, univariate and bivariate techniques are applied.,PSM results reveal the optimal prices and the range of acceptable prices for three- and five-star hotel. The bundling strategy results reveal that five-star customers are less sensitive to mixed-leader bundling. Regarding mixed-joint bundling, managers could improve sales through bundling strategies if they selected an attractive service (e.g. restaurants).,Findings assist hotel managers to understand the different price sensitivities, according to the hotel typology. Managers can manage prices without the risk of losing market share or revenue. The results help managers in deciding which bundling strategies they can create, as well as the services to be included to achieve highest profitability.,No research to date to the best of the authors’ knowledge has attempted to understand and compare the role of bundling strategies in three- and five-stars hotels. Moreover, no research has attempted to measure and compare customers’ price sensitivity of three- and five-stars hotels.



本文的目的是调查和识别三星级和五星级酒店的消费者的价格敏感性,并确定捆绑策略对消费者价格敏感性的影响。为了计算价格敏感性,作者应用了van Westendorp的价格敏感性仪表(PSM)。为了了解捆绑策略的影响,应用了单变量和双变量技术。PSM结果显示了三星级和五星级酒店的最优价格和可接受的价格范围。捆绑策略结果表明,五星级客户对混合领导者捆绑不那么敏感。关于混合联合捆绑,如果经理选择了有吸引力的服务(例如,餐厅),他们可以通过捆绑策略来提高销售额。发现可帮助酒店经理了解不同的价格敏感性,根据酒店类型。经理可以管理价格而不会失去市场份额或收入。结果有助于管理人员确定他们可以创建哪些捆绑策略,以及要包括哪些服务以实现最高的获利能力。迄今为止,到目前为止,还没有研究人员试图了解和比较捆绑策略的作用。三星级和五星级酒店。而且,没有研究试图衡量和比较顾客对三星级和五星级酒店的价格敏感性。到目前为止,到目前为止,还没有任何研究试图了解和比较三星级和五星级酒店捆绑策略的作用。而且,没有研究试图衡量和比较顾客对三星级和五星级酒店的价格敏感性。到目前为止,到目前为止,还没有任何研究试图了解和比较三星级和五星级酒店捆绑策略的作用。而且,没有研究试图衡量和比较顾客对三星级和五星级酒店的价格敏感性。