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Eliciting ELT Students’ Understanding of Plagiarism in Academic Writing
Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-26 , DOI: 10.32601/ejal.464115
Irina Rets , Ali Ilya

Given that the term ‘plagiarism’ is open to multiple interpretations, resulting in confusion among students and teachers alike, research that investigates the current state of empirical evidence and sheds light on students’ ability to define and detect this notion has important pedagogical implications. This study examines undergraduate English Language Teaching (ELT) students’ understanding of plagiarism in academic writing through qualitative data collection methods. After the focus group filled in the open-ended questionnaire, they were exposed to two sets of texts each containing an original, a plagiarized and non-plagiarized copy. The copy in the first set featured mainly word-for-word plagiarism while the copy in the second set was plagiarized in terms of illicit paraphrasing. The students were asked to identify whether there is any plagiarism in each copy and assess the texts regarding their acceptability in the format of an interview and think-aloud protocols. The results of the open-ended questionnaire and interviews were compared revealing that although all the students were able to define plagiarism correctly, most of them failed to identify it in the written text. The study also uncovered discrepancies in how the students view the aforementioned types of plagiarism.



鉴于“ pla窃”一词有多种解释,导致学生和教师之间产生混淆,因此研究经验证据的现状并阐明学生定义和发现这一概念的能力的研究具有重要的教学意义。本研究通过定性数据收集方法,研究了大学英语语言教学(ELT)学生对抄袭的理解。在焦点小组填写不限成员名额的调查表后,他们接触了两组文本,每组文本均包含原始,抄袭和非抄袭的副本。第一组中的复制品主要表现为逐字抄袭,而第二组中的复制品则以非法释义窃。要求学生们确定每本抄本中是否存在抄袭行为,并以访谈和思考方式协议的形式评估有关其可接受性的教科书。比较了开放式问卷和访谈的结果,结果表明,尽管所有学生都能够正确定义gi窃,但大多数人未能在书面文字中识别出窃。该研究还发现了学生如何看待上述types窃类型的差异。