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Bearly Guilty: Understanding Human–Andean Bear Conflict Regarding Crop Losses
Ethnobiology Letters ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-31 , DOI: 10.14237/ebl.9.2.2018.1300
Viviana Albarracín , Enzo Aliaga-Rossel

Conflicts between wildlife and humans are increasing worldwide, especially in areas where they coexist and share resources. To investigate attitudes and opinions of the human population towards human-Andean bear ( Tremarctos ornatus ) conflicts in two indigenous Aymara communities, Chunavi and Lambate, Bolivia, semi-structured interviews were directed to an adult member of families in the communities. Simultaneously, we registered, monitored, and evaluated 70 farm plots to record evidence of Andean bear and other wildlife damage to the maize crops and plants. We found that the locals thought the bear caused the most damage when, in actuality, the most harmful issues identified for maize crops were environmental factors, followed by parrots and birds. Knowledge of the interactions between wild animals and productive systems can contribute to an understanding of Andean bear-human coexistence.



在世界范围内,野生动植物与人类之间的冲突正在加剧,特别是在它们共存和共享资源的地区。为了调查玻利维亚的Chunavi和Lambate两个土著Aymara社区中人类对人类与安第斯熊(Tremactos ornatus)冲突的态度和观点,针对该社区的成年成员进行了半结构化访谈。同时,我们注册,监测和评估了70个农田,以记录安第斯熊和其他野生动植物对玉米作物和植物的破坏。我们发现,当地人认为,对熊熊造成的损害最大,而实际上,对玉米作物危害最大的问题是环境因素,其次是鹦鹉和鸟类。