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Tracing Transnationalism and Hybrid Identities in Aleksandar Hemon’s The Making of Zombie Wars
Acta Neophilologica ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-17 , DOI: 10.4312/an.52.1-2.31-45
Nina Bostič Bishop

Transnationalism is a current reality as globalisation has accelerated by the never before experienced boost in the development of technology, transport and telecommunications. The modern era is also characterised by migrations voluntary and involuntary, but most of today’s transmigrants do not live the exilic lives once lived by migrants, longing for their homeland. Instead, they live in an in-between space – the host country and the homeland, where the mixing of cultures takes place. Although these zones have often been idolized in the recent literature, the lives of many transmigrants are characterised by feelings of loss, displacement and trauma. The present article attempts to map Bosnian-American author Aleksandar Hemon as a transnational diasporic writer by tracing the features of transnationalism in his life and his novel The Making of Zombie Wars. It will also position that several of the migrant characters in the novel are hybrid identities, battling the consequences of displacement, trauma and mobility, following the ideas of Homi Bhabha and Jopi Nyman. It will explore the processes as they occur in spaces in-between.



跨国主义是当前的现实,因为全球化在技术,运输和电信发展的前所未有的推动下加速了。现代时期的特征还在于自愿和非自愿移民,但当今大多数移民都不再过往曾经渴望移民家园的流亡生活。取而代之的是,它们生活在一个东道国和祖国之间的空间中,那里的文化相互融合。尽管这些区域在最近的文献中经常被偶像化,但许多移民的生活却以失落,流离失所和创伤的感觉为特征。本文试图通过描绘跨国主义在他生活中的特点和他的小说《僵尸大战》,来描绘波斯尼亚裔美国作家亚历山大·黑蒙(Aleksandar Hemon)作为跨国流亡作家。这也将使小说中的几个移民人物具有混合身份,并遵循霍米·巴巴(Homi Bhabha)和乔皮·尼曼(Jopi Nyman)的思想,与流离失所,创伤和行动的后果作斗争。它将探索过程在它们之间的空间中发生的过程。