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The Circus and the Deadly Child: Ruptures of Social Code in Jude the Obscure
Acta Neophilologica ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-21 , DOI: 10.4312/an.51.1-2.127-135
Tobias Wilson-Bates

Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure has frequently been read as Hardy›s social critique of marriage, class, and systemic education. Readings of the novel in this critical tradition have a tendency to simplify the text into an allegory emergent from Hardy’s own biography. I seek to destabilize these readings by instead engaging with the text as one not concerned with institutions but rather the underlying social codes that give them coherence. By pairing Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of speech and counter speech with Lee Edelman’s queer critique of child-centered futurity, I offer a new reading of the novel that privileges codes and legibility as central to the novel’s critical project.



托马斯·哈迪(Thomas Hardy)的《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure)通常被解读为哈迪对婚姻,阶级和系统教育的社会批判。在这种批判传统中,小说的阅读趋向于将文本简化成哈代自传中的寓言。我试图破坏这些阅读的稳定性,而不是将文本作为一种与机构无关的东西,而不是与之相关的基本社会守则来处理。通过将米哈伊尔·巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin)的言语和反言概念与李·爱德曼(Lee Edelman)对以儿童为中心的未来性的奇怪批评相结合,我对这本小说进行了新的解读,该小说将特权代码和易读性作为小说关键项目的核心。