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L'Équilibre de la chute : La Porte de L'Enfer et ses sources
Acta Neophilologica ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-15 , DOI: 10.4312/an.49.1-2.155-165
Boštjan Marko Turk

The study tries to answer the questions opened up by the work of Auguste Rodin, La Porte de l'Enfer. It was inspired by earlier historical and literary sources among which Dante's Divine Comedy has to mentioned first, as it cannot be imagined without it. The study compares the structure of La Porte de l'Enfer with Ghiberti's masterpiece La Porta del Paradiso. The study concludes that the discussed Rodin's work is impossible to comprehend outside of the medieval philosophical context.


L'Équilibrede la chute:La Porte de L'Enfer等来源

这项研究试图回答由La Porte de l'Enfer的Auguste Rodin的工作提出的问题。它的灵感来自更早的历史和文学资源,但但丁的《神曲》首先要提到,没有它就无法想象。这项研究将La Porte de l'Enfer的结构与Ghiberti的杰作La Porta del Paradiso进行了比较。研究得出的结论是,所讨论的罗丹的著作在中世纪的哲学背景之外是无法理解的。