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Contours of an Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-20 , DOI: 10.14267/cjssp.2019.2.5
Anthony Oberschall

Israelis and Palestinians have off-loaded the cost of their conflict to outsiders. The massive subsidies for Palestinians should be gradually withdrawn and Israel should pay rent for the settlements and lands it occupies. This rent will fund the Palestinian economy and act as compensation in lieu of the right of return. The Palestinian state will be demilitarized and neutral, and become viable through economic ties to Israel and international aid. Two states will coexist along the 1967 Green Line, and East Jerusalem will be made part of “Jerusalem: one city, two capitals.” Peace-making will be backed by the major international stakeholders and the agreement will be legitimized by voters in both countries. No one is under any illusions about the obstacles to an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. Yet ideas that seem far fetched in time become actionable: for decades no one expected that majority rule in South Africa would be peacefully achieved, and few anticipated that Franco-German cooperation and alliance after two bloody World Wars would give birth to the European Union.



以色列人和巴勒斯坦人已经将冲突的成本转嫁给了局外人。对巴勒斯坦人的巨额补贴应逐步取消,以色列应为其占领的定居点和土地支付租金。这笔租金将为巴勒斯坦经济提供资金,并作为替代回报权的补偿。巴勒斯坦国将实现非军事化和中立,并通过与以色列的经济联系和国际援助变得可行。两个国家将沿着 1967 年绿线共存,东耶路撒冷将成为“耶路撒冷:一个城市,两个首都”的一部分。缔造和平将得到主要国际利益攸关方的支持,该协议将由两国选民合法化。没有人对达成以巴和平协议的障碍抱有任何幻想。