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Cultural problems of Turkey, by Ekrem Akrugal (Kirmizi Kedi, 2018)
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-20 , DOI: 10.14267/cjssp.2019.2.12
Seden Eren

This book, originally entitled Türkiye’nin Kültür Sorunları, is an anthology of articles written by Ordinarius Professor Doctor Ekrem Akurgal from 1942 until 1998, edited for publishing by Burak Kuru in 2018. Prof. Akurgal is a distinguished and reputable academic well known for his archaeological research, acknowledged by honorary doctorates and awards and memberships in science academies across Europe. Prof. Akurgal was the founder of classical archeology as an academic science in Turkey and a lecturer in Turkey and abroad. In 1934, the Turkish Republic adapted the “Surname Law,” based on which all citizens had to choose a fixed and hereditable last name. The author’s devotion to history and archeology can be seen in his choice of “Akurgal,” meaning “big water land” in the Sumerian language, as a last name. Prof. Akurgal served as a lecturer in various archaeological departments in Turkey and many professors today used to be his student. Therefore, he is referred to as the “Professors' professor.” Besides lecturing at Turkish and foreign universities, Prof. Akurgal led countless archaeological excavations. His main area of research was the Aegean region. He undertook excavations in Phokaia (Foça), Erythrai (Ildırı), Smyrna (Bayraklı) and Pitane (Çandarlı), and continued his excavations and work until his death in 2002. Based on his research he published various books in different languages on ancient Greek, Hatti, Hittite, and old Anatolian civilizations. He is considered to be an “Anatolianist.” The latter offspring of cultural nationalism was first formulated in 1918 by Halide Edip Adıvar, who was one of the first female novelists during the dusk of the Ottoman Empire and who considered Frank Tachau’s theory of cultural linkage based on the geographical area between ancient civilizations in Anatolia and the current-day Turkish Republic. The Turkish state and culture have natural boundaries within which


土耳其的文化问题,作者 Ekrem Akrugal(Kirmizi Kedi,2018 年)

本书原名为 Türkiye'nin Kültür Sorunları,是 Ordinarius 教授 Ekrem Akurgal 博士于 1942 年至 1998 年间撰写的文章选集,Burak Kuru 于 2018 年编辑出版。考古研究,获得欧洲各地科学院的荣誉博士学位和奖项以及会员资格。Akurgal 教授是古典考古学作为土耳其学术科学的创始人,也是土耳其和国外的讲师。1934 年,土耳其共和国修改了“姓氏法”,根据该法,所有公民都必须选择一个固定且可遗传的姓氏。作者选择“Akurgal”作为姓氏,在苏美尔语中意为“大水之地”,由此可见作者对历史和考古学的热爱。教授。Akurgal 曾在土耳其各个考古部门担任讲师,如今许多教授曾经是他的学生。因此,他被称为“教授的教授”。除了在土耳其和外国大学讲学,Akurgal 教授还领导了无数考古发掘工作。他的主要研究领域是爱琴海地区。他在 Phokaia (Foça)、Erythrai (Ildırı)、Smyrna (Bayraklı) 和 Pitane (Çandarlı) 进行挖掘工作,并继续挖掘和工作,直到 2002 年去世。基于他的研究,他出版了各种不同语言的古希腊书籍、哈提、赫梯和古老的安纳托利亚文明。他被认为是“安纳托利亚主义者”。文化民族主义的后一种产物于 1918 年由 Halide Edip Adıvar 首次提出,她是奥斯曼帝国黄昏时期最早的女性小说家之一,她考虑了弗兰克·塔豪 (Frank Tachau) 基于安纳托利亚古代文明与当今土耳其共和国之间地理区域的文化联系理论。土耳其国家和文化有自然边界,在这些边界内