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Hungarian Grand Entrepreneurs in the System of National Cooperation: The Chances of Civil/Bourgeois Development after 2010 (An Extension of Research)
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-15 , DOI: 10.14267/cjssp.2017.3s.12
Mihály Laki

A non-conventional change of government occurred in Hungary in 2010. The winner of the election, party-alliance FIDESZ-KDNP, which controlled more than two-thirds of the seats in the Hungarian Parliament, transformed the Hungarian constitutional system radically and with unprecedented rapidity. The so-called invisible constitution of 1989 was replaced by a new Basic Law. The new holders of power changed the structure and management of state administration. There were also fundamental shifts in the system of public education and in the financing of the health care system. We witnessed the introduction of new and until-now never-applied approaches and tools for regulating the economy and the taxation system. Moreover, the new government introduced systemic changes in terms of how the poor and the unemployed were supported and modified the legal and financial status of local governments. Since 2010, the share of the state sector has increased in the Hungarian economy. How did the grand entrepreneurs behave, and what strategies did they use in this radically modified socio-economic environment?



2010 年匈牙利发生了非常规的政府更迭。 选举的获胜者、控制了匈牙利议会三分之二以上席位的政党联盟 FIDESZ-KDNP 以前所未有的方式彻底改变了匈牙利的宪法制度。速度。1989年所谓的隐形宪法被新的基本法所取代。新的掌权者改变了国家行政的结构和管理。公共教育系统和医疗保健系统的筹资也发生了根本性的变化。我们目睹了引入新的和迄今为止从未应用的方法和工具来调节经济和税收制度。而且,新政府在如何支持穷人和失业者方面进行了系统性改革,并修改了地方政府的法律和财政状况。自 2010 年以来,国有部门在匈牙利经济中的份额有所增加。伟大的企业家是如何表现的,他们在这个彻底改变的社会经济环境中使用了什么策略?