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Population Change and International and Internal Migration in Italy, 2002-2017: Ravenstein Revisited
Comparative Population Studies ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.12765/cpos-2020-16
Federico Benassi , Corrado Bonifazi , Frank Heins , Francesca Licari , Enrico Tucci

In 1885, Ravenstein formulated his “laws” of migration, based on the experience of the British Isles. In a further 1889 paper, he extended his analysis as a tour d’horizon of migration and population changes in other nations, including Italy. Even if social and economic processes including globalisation and rising mobility have changed the world since then, Ravenstein’s “laws” remain a point of reference today. Harnessing theoretical and methodological advances made since the 19th century, this paper describes and seeks to explain the role of international and internal migration in regional population change in Italy from 2002-2017. This paper provides the fi rst geographically detailed migration analysis for the country’s 611 Local Labour Market Areas (LLMAs), using register-based migration and population data. Our contribution focuses on several of Ravenstein’s “laws” relating to gender (differences between men and women), natives and non-natives (differences between the Italian and the foreign population), distance migrated from origin to destination, and the role of the economy in shaping push and pull factors of migration. The results show that international migration is more prominent among men than women. In the case of internal moves, the rates of migration among men and women are similar, and internal migration is more prominent among the foreign than the native Italian population. Overall, international migration gains contribute substantially more to population change than internal migration gains and losses do. In Italy, the effects of persistent economic imbalances and of distance on migration patterns are not in line with Ravenstein’s hypotheses: not all areas with high unemployment show an effect of dispersion, nor does distance always act as a deterrent to migration. The geographically detailed analysis presented here illustrates the temporal and spatial coexistence of diverse international and internal migration processes depending on local characteristics, as well as the importance of the economic or administrative centres as the driving force behind national patterns. Our results show that, even 130 years after their formulation, Ravenstein’s migration “laws” (more accurately Comparative Population Studies Vol. 44 (2019): 497-532 (Date of release: 08.09.2020) Federal Institute for Population Research 2020 URL: www.comparativepopulationstudies.de DOI: https://doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2020-16 URN: urn:nbn:de:bib-cpos-2020-16en8 * This article belongs to a special issue on “Internal Migration as a Driver of Regional Population Change in Europe: Updating Ravenstein”. • Federico Benassi, Corrado Bonifazi, Frank Heins, Francesca Licari, Enrico Tucci 498 called “hypotheses” today) are still a valuable starting point in assessing and understanding migration processes and their role in regional population change.



1885年,拉文斯坦(Ravenstein)根据不列颠群岛的经验制定了他的“移民法”。在1889年的另一篇论文中,他将分析扩展为包括意大利在内的其他国家的移民与人口变化巡视之旅。从那以后,即使包括全球化和不断增长的流动性在内的社会和经济进程改变了世界,拉文斯坦的“法律”今天仍然是参考点。本文利用19世纪以来的理论和方法学进展,描述并试图解释国际迁移和内部迁移在2002-2017年意大利区域人口变化中的作用。本文使用基于寄存器的迁移和人口数据,为该国的611个本地劳动力市场区域(LLMA)提供了第一个地理上详细的迁移分析。我们的贡献集中在拉文斯坦(Ravenstein)关于性别(男女之间的差异),本地人和非本地人(意大利与外国人口之间的差异),从原籍到目的地的迁移距离以及经济作用等方面的“法律”塑造迁移的推拉因素。结果表明,国际移徙在男子中比妇女更为突出。就内部迁移而言,男性和女性之间的迁移率相近,并且内部迁移在外国人中比在意大利本地人中更为突出。总体而言,国际移民收益比内部移民收益和损失对人口变化的贡献更大。在意大利,持续的经济失衡和距离对移民方式的影响与拉文斯坦的假设不一致:并非所有失业率高的地区都表现出分散效应,距离也不总是对移民产生威慑作用。这里介绍的地理详细分析说明了取决于当地特征的各种国际和国内移民过程在时间和空间上的并存,以及经济或行政中心作为国家模式背后的推动力的重要性。我们的结果表明,即使在其制定了130年之后,拉文施泰因的迁徙仍是``法律''(更准确地说是《比较人口研究》第44卷(2019):497-532(发布日期:08.09.2020)联邦人口研究所2020 URL: www.comparativepopulationstudies.de DOI:https://doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2020-16 URN:urn:nbn:de:bib-cpos-2020-16en8 *本文属于关于“内部移民是欧洲区域人口变化的驱动因素”的特刊:更新Ravenstein”。•Federico Benassi,Corrado Bonifazi,Frank Heins,Francesca Licari和Enrico Tucci 498(今天称为“假设”)仍然是评估和了解移民过程及其在区域人口变化中的作用的宝贵起点。