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Beyond the Freakonomics of Religious Liberty
Changing Societies & Personalities ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.15826/csp.2017.1.1.003
Ivan Strenski

Author(s): Strenski, I | Abstract: The paper critiques the prevailing liberal market economy models of religious liberty and religious encounter. In place of market models, this paper argues that values inscribed in gift exchange, hospitality, guest/host relations, in many cases, and to varying degrees, provide better alternative values to govern religious interaction than those of the market model. Instead of conceiving religion as commodity for ‘sale’ – adoption, conversion – and instead of conceiving missionaries as salespeople for their religions, I propose that the encounter of religions could be better conceived in terms of guest/host, gift giver/gift receiver relations. “Freakonomics,” therefore, – whether in free market or monopoly form -- does not, therefore, write the last page in the story of religious liberty.



作者:Strenski,我| 摘要:本文对宗教自由和宗教遭遇的主流自由市场经济模型进行了批评。代替市场模型,本文认为,在许多情况下,并在不同程度上,礼物交换,款待,来宾/主人关系中所包含的价值比市场模型提供了更好的替代价值来管理宗教互动。我建议不要将宗教视为“销售”(收养,conversion依)的商品,而不是将传教士作为其宗教的推销员,而是要从客人/主人,送礼者/礼物接受者之间的角度更好地设想宗教的遭遇。因此,无论是自由市场还是垄断形式的“怪胎经济学”都不会写在宗教自由故事的最后一页。