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The European Higher Education Area: A road to the future or at way’s end?
Tuning Journal for Higher Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-29 , DOI: 10.18543/tjhe-6(2)-2019pp23-49
Sjur Bergan

The goal of the Bologna Process was to develop a European Higher Education Area within a decade. The goal and the process proved to be attractive, new countries steadily applied for accession, and the Bologna Process has brought about substantial reforms. At the same time, the drive and optimism of the early years has given way to more measured optimism and even a sense of disillusion as we approach the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration. The article outlines six phases in the development of the European Higher Education Area and then looks at some of the main challenges the EHEA faces as it approaches its third decade. Structural reforms have been the hallmark of the EHEA, and in this area the main challenges concern implementation rather than the development of new structures even if some policy challenges also remain. In the run-up to the 2018 Ministerial conference, EHEA faced a bitter debate on the character of the EHEA itself, linked to the questions of how to foster implementation of commitments undertaken and what it means to be a voluntary process. The fundamental values on which the EHEA builds are now threatened in some EHEA members, the role of the EHEA in a global context, and its relevance and governance constitute other challenges. Received : 08 April 2019 Accepted : 29 April 2019 Published online : 29 May 2019



博洛尼亚进程的目标是在十年内发展欧洲高等教育区。目标和进程被证明具有吸引力,新国家稳步申请加入,博洛尼亚进程带来了实质性的改革。同时,随着我们接近《博洛尼亚宣言》 20周年,早年的动力和乐观已被更加谨慎的乐观甚至幻灭感所取代。本文概述了欧洲高等教育区的六个发展阶段,然后探讨了EHEA在其进入第三个十年时面临的一些主要挑战。结构改革一直是EHEA的标志,在这一领域,即使仍然存在一些政策挑战,主要挑战也涉及实施而不是发展新结构。在2018年部长级会议的预备阶段,EHEA面临着关于EHEA本身特征的激烈辩论,该辩论与如何促进履行承诺以及自愿参与意味着什么有关。现在,某些EHEA成员正威胁着建立EHEA的基本价值观,在全球范围内EHEA的作用,其相关性和治理构成其他挑战。收到:2019年4月8日接受:2019年4月29日在线发布:2019年5月29日 EHEA在全球范围内的作用,其相关性和治理构成其他挑战。收到:2019年4月8日接受:2019年4月29日在线发布:2019年5月29日 EHEA在全球范围内的作用,其相关性和治理构成其他挑战。收到:2019年4月8日接受:2019年4月29日在线发布:2019年5月29日