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Myanmar Media: Legacy and Challenges
The Age of Human Rights Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.17561/tahrj.v14.5516
Maria Ochwat

For nearly fifty years Myanmar was ruled by a military junta. It did not tolerate any criticism, and severely punished anyone who dared to oppose them. At the same time, it cut the country off from the rest of the world, preventing it from being informed about Burma’s internal situation. The announcement of the changes came when Thein Sein’s first civilian government was formed in 2011. Almost 10 years have passed since then and Myanmar, according to the Press Freedom Index, is considered to be one of the countries where freedom of speech and freedom of the media are commonly violated and journalists are often persecuted and punished. Freedom of expression is one of the pillars of a democratic society, the basis for its development and a condition for the self-fulfillment of the individual. One of the most important ways of exercising freedom of speech is through free and independent media. The issue of respect for freedom of expression and freedom of the media must be seen in a broader context. It should be noted that there is a close link between respect for human rights and peacekeeping. Although freedom of expression, and thus freedom of the media, is one of those freedoms which may be restricted in specific situations, it cannot be done arbitrarily. Under public international law the exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary. The authorities of Myanmar, when introducing and maintaining restrictions on freedom of speech and media, often invoke the need to restrict freedom of speech and media for reasons of state security, protection of morality or public order. However, one can venture to say that they are in fact afraid of criticism and possible public actions against the current authorities.



近五十年来,缅甸一直由军政府统治。它不容忍任何批评,并严惩任何敢于反对他们的人。同时,它切断了该国与世界其他地区的联系,使其无法得知缅甸的内部局势。变动的宣布是在Thein Sein于2011年成立第一届民政政府时宣布的。自那时以来已经过去了将近10年,根据《新闻自由指数》,缅甸被认为是言论自由和新闻自由的国家之一。媒体通常受到侵犯,记者经常受到迫害和惩罚。言论自由是民主社会的支柱之一,是民主社会发展的基础,也是个人自我实现的条件。行使言论自由的最重要方法之一是通过自由和独立的媒体。尊重言论自由和媒体自由的问题必须从更广泛的角度来看。应当指出,尊重人权与维持和平之间有着密切的联系。尽管言论自由和媒体自由是在特定情况下可能受到限制的自由之一,但它不能任意实现。根据国际公法,行使这些自由伴随其义务和责任,可能受到法律规定的形式,条件,限制或处罚,在民主社会中,这是为了国家安全的利益领土完整或公共安全,以防止混乱或犯罪,为了保护健康或道德,为了保护他人的名誉或权利,为了防止泄露机密信息,或者为了维护司法机关的权威和公正性。缅甸当局在实行和维持言论自由和媒体自由的限制时,经常出于国家安全,保护道德或公共秩序的原因而援引限制言论和媒体自由的需求。但是,可以冒昧地说,他们实际上害怕批评和反对现行当局的可能采取的公共行动。缅甸当局在实行和维持言论自由和媒体自由的限制时,经常出于国家安全,保护道德或公共秩序的原因而援引限制言论和媒体自由的需求。但是,可以冒昧地说,他们实际上害怕批评和反对现行当局的可能采取的公共行动。缅甸当局在实行和维持言论自由和媒体自由的限制时,经常出于国家安全,保护道德或公共秩序的原因而援引限制言论和媒体自由的需求。但是,可以冒昧地说,他们实际上害怕批评和反对现行当局的可能采取的公共行动。