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Eyes on You while Your Eyes Are on God: State Surveillance of Religion in Ghana under the Provisional National Defence Council Regime
Surveillance & Society ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-15 , DOI: 10.24908/ss.v16i4.6988
Smith Oduro-Marfo

This paper discusses Ghana’s erstwhile Religious Bodies Registration Law (PNDC Law 221) passed by the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) in 1989 and the associated bans placed on the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormon sects. First, the paper analyzes how the state’s surveillance moves engendered lateral and anti-surveillance practices. Second, Eric Stoddart’s concept of (in)visibility is used as an analytical framework to track how both the surveilling entity (the state and community surveillers) and the surveilled (religious bodies and their members) actively partook in constructing the visibility and invisibility of the surveilled. The paper concludes that the state’s theoretical ambition of religious surveillance was not fully matched in practice, as implementation was mediated by a pragmatic blend of “seeing” and “unseeing.” Also, the response of the religious sects to the surveillance involved a strategic pursuit of simultaneous visibility and invisibility.



本文讨论了1989年临时国防委员会(PNDC)通过的加纳较早的《宗教机构注册法》(PNDC第221号法)以及对耶和华见证人和摩门教派的相关禁令。首先,本文分析了国家的监视行动如何引起横向和反监视实践。其次,埃里克·斯托达特(Eric Stoddart)的“可见性”概念被用作分析框架,以跟踪被监视实体(州和社区监视者)和被监视者(宗教团体及其成员)如何积极参与构建监视对象的可见性和不可见性。监视。该论文的结论是,该州在宗教监督上的理论野心在实践中并未完全匹配,因为实施是通过“看见”与“不看见”的务实融合来实现的。也,