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Surveillance and the Body in the Millennium Trilogy
Surveillance & Society ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-14 , DOI: 10.24908/ss.v16i2.6832
Jeff W. Marker

A growing discourse in surveillance studies is leading the field away from socially neutral theories and introducing methodologies that account for factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation. However, scholarship on surveillance in the arts, among which voyeurism and panopticism remain dominant, has been slower to adopt models that address these sociological dimensions of surveillance. This interdisciplinary article argues for expanding the theoretical and sociological scope of scholarship on surveillance in the arts, using Stieg Larsson’s Millennium novels and the Swedish films adapted from them as a case study. This series of narratives features three scopic regimes: the state’s surveillance apparatus, the protagonist’s own surveillant gaze, and the male gaze, each of which operates on and through the body of the central character, Lisbeth Salander. These representations, as so many others, demand that we break away from the panoptic model and employ a theoretically intersectional approach. The author integrates theories from surveillance studies, feminist film theory, and the social sciences to develop such an approach. Constant developments in surveillance technology, practice, and policy have driven surveillance studies to evolve rapidly in recent decades. That evolution has also been driven by the need to reconsider the theoretical foundations and sociological scope on which the discipline is built, a necessity cited by numerous scholars, including Kevin Haggerty, Mark Andrejevic, and Catherine Zimmer. As Zimmer puts it, surveillance studies “has contended with the need to move beyond the conceptual framework of panopticism that has defined the field,” and she is far from alone in voicing this criticism (Zimmer 2015: 15). One of the core issues with panopticism and other theories that have dominated the discipline is the tendency to ignore factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation, even though the disparate effects of surveillance across these categories is readily apparent. This has led many scholars to argue for an increased historicity that accounts for these and other sociological factors. One of the first such appeals came from this publication’s 2009 “Gender, Sexuality and Surveillance” issue, in which Kirstie Ball, Nicola Green, Hille Koskela, and David J. Phillips argue that “the political economies, methods, outcomes, and profound normalizing tendencies associated with surveillance are deeply amenable to critiques informed by theories of gender and sexuality” (Ball et al. 2009: 352). More recently, Yasmeen Abu Laban writes, “‘doing Surveillance Studies’ in a way that builds on past research requires embracing the increasing call...to attend to gender” (Abu-Laban 2015: 45). Abu-Laban argues that taking a gender-blind approach is “insufficient to fully understanding social power and control, and how attention to gender has enriched the field. By identifying new questions and insights into ‘watcher’ and ‘watched,’ the emerging work done on gender and surveillance attunes us to a fuller array of dimensions to the Article Surveillance and the Body in the Millennium



监视研究的讨论越来越多,这使该领域远离社会中立理论,并引入了考虑诸如性别,种族,种族,种族,阶级和性取向等因素的方法。但是,在偷窥和全景主义仍占主导地位的艺术监督学者中,采用能够解决这些监视社会学问题的模型的速度较慢。这篇跨学科的文章主张以斯蒂格·拉尔森(Stieg Larsson)的千禧小说和改编自瑞典电影的案例研究为基础,扩大艺术监督学的理论和社会学范围。这一系列的叙事包含三个镜象范围:国家的监视机构,主角自己的监视视线和男性视线,每个角色都在中心角色Lisbeth Salander身上并贯穿该角色。这些表示形式与其他形式一样,要求我们脱离全景模型并采用理论上相交的方法。作者将监视研究的理论,女权主义电影理论和社会科学相结合,以开发这种方法。监视技术,实践和政策的不断发展促使监视研究在最近几十年迅速发展。进化的动力还在于需要重新考虑该学科的理论基础和社会学范围,包括凯文·哈格蒂,马克·安德列耶维奇和凯瑟琳·齐默在内的众多学者都认为必须这样做。正如齐默尔所说,监控研究“一直在挑战超越定义该领域的全景主义的概念框架的必要性”,而且她并不孤单地表达这种批评(Zimmer 2015:15)。全景主义和主导该学科的其他理论的核心问题之一是趋向于忽略诸如性别,种族,种族,阶级和性取向等因素,即使这些类别上监视的不同效果显而易见。这导致许多学者争辩说,增加了历史性可以解释这些以及其他社会学因素。最早的此类呼吁之一来自该出版物的2009年“性别,性行为和监视”问题,其中Kirstie Ball,Nicola Green,Hille Koskela和David J. Phillips认为“政治经济学,方法,结果,以及与监视相关的深刻的规范化趋势很容易受到基于性别和性理论的批评”(Ball等,2009:352)。最近,雅斯敏·阿布·拉班(Yasmeen Abu Laban)写道:“以过去的研究为基础进行'监视研究',需要接受越来越多的呼吁……参加性别问题”(阿布·拉班,2015:45)。阿布·拉班(Abu-Laban)认为,采用性别盲目的方法“不足以充分理解社会力量和控制,以及对性别的关注如何丰富了这一领域。通过发现有关“观察者”和“观察者”的新问题和新见解,有关性别和监视的新兴工作使我们在《千年监视与身体》一文中有了更全面的维度