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Intelligent Personal Assistants and the Intercultural Negotiations of Dataveillance in Platformed Households
Surveillance & Society ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-31 , DOI: 10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.12936
Jason Pridmore , Michael Zimmer , Jessica Vitak , Anouk Mols , Daniel Trottier , Priya C. Kumar , Yuting Liao

textabstractThe platformization of households is increasingly possible with the introduction of “intelligent personal assistants” (IPAs) embedded in smart, always-listening speakers and screens, such as Google Home and the Amazon Echo. These devices exemplify Zuboff’s “surveillance capitalism” by commodifying familial and social spaces and funneling data into corporate networks. However, the motivations driving the development of these platforms—and the dataveillance they afford—vary: Amazon appears focused on collecting user data to drive personalized sales across its shopping platform, while Google relies on its vast dataveillance infrastructure to build its AI-driven targeted advertising platform. This paper draws on cross-cultural focus groups regarding IPAs in the Netherlands and the United States. It reveals how respondents in these two countries articulate divergent ways of negotiating the dataveillance affordances and privacy concerns of these IPA platforms. These findings suggest the need for a nuanced approach to combating and limiting the potential harms of these home devices, which may otherwise be seen as equivalents.



通过引入嵌入在智能且始终聆听的扬声器和屏幕(例如Google Home和Amazon Echo)中的“智能个人助理”(IPA),家庭的平台化越来越有可能。这些设备通过商品化家庭和社交空间并将数据集中到公司网络中,从而体现了祖波夫的“监视资本主义”。但是,推动这些平台发展的动机以及它们提供的数据监控各不相同:亚马逊似乎专注于收集用户数据以在其购物平台上推动个性化销售,而Google依靠其庞大的数据监控基础架构来构建以AI为导向的目标广告平台。本文利用了荷兰和美国有关IPA的跨文化焦点小组。它揭示了这两个国家中的受访者如何阐明协商这些IPA平台的数据监控能力和隐私问题的不同方式。这些发现表明,需要一种细致入微的方法来应对和限制这些家用设备的潜在危害,否则这些危害可能被视为等同的。