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Physical education and health as a child’s right: Reflections on the Soweto Active Schools programme
South African Journal of Childhood Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.4102/sajce.v10i1.776
Cora Burnett-Louw

Background: In view of global health concerns about high levels of inactivity and related disease patterns of citizens, Physical Education and Health (PEH) has become an educational priority in many countries, including South Africa. Aim: The research aimed to explore and capture the effects of a multistakeholder physical education (PE) initiative that focuses on in-service teacher training and implementation of the Soweto Active Schools programme. Setting: The study was conducted in five pilot schools in Soweto, located in close proximity to the Nike Centre, where the schools take part in organised sport events as part of the programme. Methods: This pre–post (2016 and 2018) multisite case study utilised mixed methods. Qualitative data were collected through observation of PE lessons, interviews with key stakeholder representatives ( n = 6), five school principals ( n = 10) and focus group discussions with life skill/life orientation heads of department and teachers ( n = 59) and Grade 6 learners ( n = 63). Results: The main findings indicated the emergence of a new educational paradigm informed by value-based PE. Teachers reported positive behaviours by learners, whereas they applied the same values in the teaching of other classes. Learners reported the learning of new motor skills, improved social relations and improved confidence. Principals and teachers appreciated the scaled model of contextually relevant professional learning. Conclusion: The model disputes the mere outsourcing of PE that elicits the participation of teachers will not adequately equip them for teaching PE. The model can be refined and taken to scale with meaningful information for curriculum design, resource provision and effective implementation of quality PEH.


体育和健康是儿童的权利:对Soweto Active Schools计划的思考

背景:考虑到全球健康问题,人们不愿参加运动以及相关疾病的发生率很高,体育与健康(PEH)已成为包括南非在内的许多国家的教育重点。目的:该研究旨在探索和捕捉多利益相关者体育(PE)计划的效果,该计划的重点是在职教师培训和Soweto Active Schools计划的实施。地点:这项研究是在靠近耐克中心的索韦托的5所试点学校进行的,作为计划的一部分,这些学校参加了有组织的体育赛事。方法:本事前(2016年和2018年)的多站点案例研究采用了混合方法。通过观察体育课,与主要利益相关者代表的访谈(n = 6),五名学校校长(n = 10),并与部门的生活技能/生活方向负责人和教师(n = 59)和6年级学习者(n = 63)进行了焦点小组讨论。结果:主要发现表明,以价值为本的体育教育为基础的一种新的教育范式的出现。老师报告学习者的积极行为,而他们在其他班级的教学中也采用了相同的价值观。学习者报告学习了新的运动技能,改善了社交关系并增强了自信心。校长和老师赞赏与上下文相关的专业学习的规模化模型。结论:该模型对体育的单纯外包提出了质疑,这种外包导致教师的参与不足以使他们装备体育教学。可以对模型进行完善,并根据有意义的信息进行缩放,以进行课程设计,