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Economic analysis of the project of warehouse centalization in the paper production company
Serbian Journal of Management ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.5937/sjm13-13608
Željko Stević , Enis Mulalić , Zdravko Božičković , Slavko Vesković , Irena Đalić

In the modern conditions, business requires constant rationalization of all activities and processes that occur in the logistics system. One of the preconditions for ensuring the competitiveness in the market is to manage the own performance. This paper presents research that relates to the project of centralization of the warehouse in the company of paper production. Currently, any production facility has its own warehouse that is, through executed decomposition, proved like a poor solution. Any project requires certain investment funds, which are in this case over half million EUR, because it is a large and complex logistics company that employs about one thousand workers. The focus of this paper is an economic analysis of the project of centralization of warehouse. The new centralized system gives better results in the comparison with the current system of decentralization. Considering the savings, which are realized by switching to a centralized warehouse system, and required investment funds, repayment period of the same is slightly less than five years, what is relatively a short period.



在现代条件下,业务需要不断合理化物流系统中发生的所有活动和流程。保证市场竞争力的前提之一是管理好自身的业绩。本文介绍了与造纸公司仓库集中化项目相关的研究。目前,任何生产设施都有自己的仓库,通过执行分解,证明这是一个糟糕的解决方案。任何项目都需要一定的投资资金,在这种情况下超过 50 万欧元,因为它是一家大型复杂的物流公司,雇佣了大约一千名工人。本文的重点是对仓库集中项目的经济分析。与当前的去中心化系统相比,新的中心化系统给出了更好的结果。考虑到改用集中仓系统节省的资金和所需的投资资金,同样的还款期略低于5年,相对较短。