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Video-lectures: An effective complementary teaching method at business college
Serbian Journal of Management ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.5937/sjm12-10899
Jaka Vadnjal

A new teaching methodology was tested at a private college, which delivers business studyprograms on the undergraduate and graduate level. The combination of video-lectures with live classactivities (discussions, case study solving) was used in the course which provides studentscompetences for managing growing small and medium-sized business. Full- and part-time studentsparticipated in the two separated classes with identical study program and the same methodologicalapproach was applied to assess the teaching approach. The main objective of the study was toexamine the possible differences between the two groups of studies. In total 126 students participatedin the study and the data collection was done with a survey. Several statistically significantdifferences were revealed. The most important finding is that part-time students were much lessenthusiastic for the delivered teaching approach. It looks like they appreciated more the liveinteraction with other students and with the teacher and probably saw the opportunity of activeparticipation as the main added value of the studies. The implication of the study is that coursedesign, which includes video, should carefully take into account the two types of students addressed.



在一所私立学院测试了一种新的教学方法,该学院提供本科和研究生级别的商业学习课程。课程中结合了视频讲座和现场课堂活动(讨论、案例研究解决),为学生提供管理成长中的中小型企业的能力。全日制和非全日制学生以相同的学习计划参加两个不同的班级,并采用相同的方法来评估教学方法。该研究的主要目的是检查两组研究之间可能存在的差异。共有 126 名学生参与了这项研究,并通过调查完成了数据收集。揭示了几个统计学上的显着差异。最重要的发现是,兼职学生对传授式教学方法的热情要低得多。看起来他们更欣赏与其他学生和老师的实时互动,并且可能将积极参与的机会视为学习的主要附加价值。该研究的含义是包括视频在内的课程设计应仔细考虑所涉及的两种类型的学生。