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A Survey of the Autonomy, Accountability, Effectiveness and Governance of Slovak State-Owned Enterprises
Scientific Annals of Economics and Business ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.2478/saeb-2018-0027
Zuzana Brinčíková , Marek Kálovec , Colin W. Lawson , Eva Muchová

Abstract Fourteen Slovak state-owned enterprises were studied, using published data and structured interviews with management. A novel methodology is used to assess SOE autonomy, effectiveness, accountability and governance. Variations in operating conditions reflect different government objectives and different ownership models. Mixed state-private firms performed more like competitive firms than did wholly state-owned SOEs. This information was fed into an assessment of Slovak SOEs’ compliance with the 2015 OECD Guidelines on SOE Corporate Governance. There are many differences between Slovak practice and the Guidelines. This may reflect a choice to favour government interests, rather than the OECD’s inclusion of a wider group of stakeholders. One cost is foregone efficiency gains. Another is the perception that the present highly opaque governance system hides corruption.



摘要 使用公开数据和对管理层的结构化访谈,对 14 家斯洛伐克国有企业进行了研究。一种新颖的方法用于评估国有企业的自主权、有效性、问责制和治理。经营状况的变化反映了不同的政府目标和不同的所有权模式。与国有独资国有企业相比,混合国有私营企业的表现更像是具有竞争力的企业。该信息被用于评估斯洛伐克国有企业遵守 2015 年 OECD 国有企业公司治理指南的情况。斯洛伐克的做法与指南之间存在许多差异。这可能反映了一种有利于政府利益的选择,而不是 OECD 将更广泛的利益相关者群体纳入其中。一种成本是放弃效率收益。