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Crossref at 20 years: what do the community need?
Science Editing ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.6087/kcse.206
Rachael Lammey

Purpose: The 20th anniversary of Crossref is a good point to evaluate where Crossref stands with the communities it supports so that it can be in a position to serve their needs in the future. Methods: This evaluation took the form of a survey and a series of interviews run by Shift Learning in mid-2019. Results: Results are presented in the form of a report authored by Shift Learning which is discussed in this paper. Conclusion: Overall, Crossref is appreciated and provides value for the scholarly community. However, it needs to make sure that it continues to serve key stakeholders, ensure that core systems work smoothly for all members and that they balance the needs of its different sizes of members and those who subscribe to or use the Crossref metadata. The report from Shift Learning makes specific recommendations regarding pricing, products and services and, communications which Crossref should consider to continue to address the needs of its diverse stakeholders


Crossref 20 年:社区需要什么?

目的:Crossref 成立 20 周年是评估 Crossref 与它所支持的社区的立场的好时机,以便它能够在未来满足他们的需求。方法:本次评估采用 Shift Learning 在 2019 年年中开展的调查和一系列访谈的形式。结果:结果以 Shift Learning 撰写的报告的形式呈现,本文将对此进行讨论。结论:总的来说,Crossref 受到赞赏并为学术界提供了价值。但是,它需要确保继续为关键利益相关者服务,确保核心系统为所有成员顺利运行,并平衡其不同规模的成员以及订阅或使用 Crossref 元数据的成员的需求。Shift Learning 的报告就定价提出了具体建议,