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An analysis of data paper templates and guidelines: types of contextual information described by data journals
Science Editing ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.6087/kcse.185
Jihyun Kim

Purpose: Data papers are a promising genre of scholarly communication, in which research data are described, shared, and published. Rich documentation of data, including adequate contextual information, enhances the potential of data reuse. This study investigated the extent to which the components of data papers specified by journals represented the types of contextual information necessary for data reuse. Methods: A content analysis of 15 data paper templates/guidelines from 24 data journals indexed by the Web of Science was performed. A coding scheme was developed based on previous studies, consisting of four categories: general data set properties, data production information, repository information, and reuse information. Results: Only a few types of contextual information were commonly requested by the journals. Except data format information and file names, general data set properties were specified less often than other categories of contextual information. Researchers were frequently asked to provide data production information, such as information on the data collection, data producer, and related project. Repository information focused on data identifiers, while information about repository reputation and curation practices was rarely requested. Reuse information mostly involved advice on the reuse of data and terms of use. Conclusion: These findings imply that data journals should provide a more standardized set of data paper components to inform reusers of relevant contextual information in a consistent manner. Information about repository reputation and curation could also be provided by data journals to complement the repository information provided by the authors of data papers and to help researchers evaluate the reusability of data.



目的:数据论文是一种很有前途的学术交流类型,其中描述、共享和发布研究数据。丰富的数据文档,包括足够的上下文信息,增强了数据重用的潜力。这项研究调查了期刊指定的数据论文的组成部分在多大程度上代表了数据重用所需的上下文信息类型。方法:对来自 Web of Science 索引的 24 个数据期刊的 15 个数据论文模板/指南进行了内容分析。编码方案是基于以前的研究开发的,由四类组成:通用数据集属性、数据生产信息、存储库信息和重用信息。结果:期刊通常只要求提供几种类型的上下文信息。除了数据格式信息和文件名外,一般数据集属性的指定频率低于其他类别的上下文信息。研究人员经常被要求提供数据生产信息,例如关于数据收集、数据生产者和相关项目的信息。存储库信息侧重于数据标识符,而很少需要有关存储库声誉和管理实践的信息。重用信息主要涉及关于数据重用和使用条款的建议。结论:这些发现意味着数据期刊应该提供一套更标准化的数据纸组件,以一致的方式告知重用者相关的上下文信息。