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More or Less Europe? The European Leaders’ Discourses on the Refugees Crisis
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-24 , DOI: 10.21018/rjcpr.2016.2.207
Loredana Radu

The refugees’ crisis has set the public agenda on European topics throughout 2015. Considered by many as (another) existential test for the European project, this new type of crisis has triggered frustrations and extreme disappointment, leading to a further aggravation of the already existing intra-EU cleavages, such as those between the West and the East, the “net debtors” (now labeled as the net supporters of the refugees) and the “net creditors” (now intensely recognized as adversaries of migration). Noteworthy, Angela Merkel declared that the refugees’ crisis is “testing Europe’s mettle” (2015), whereas Jean-Claude Juncker posed that a “blame-game” is shattering the EU, with Member States accusing “each other of not doing enough or of doing the wrong thing” (2015). This paper argues that the European leaders have tacitly fueled – through their emotional and solidarity-centered discourse – the intra-EU cleavages between the Member-States, as well as public attachment to far-right xenophobic ideologies. By means of a combined narratives’ and frames’ analysis, this paper focuses on the discursive means employed by the European leaders in order to tackle the sensitive topic of the migration crisis. Firstly, some background information about the causes and developments of the migration crisis is presented. Secondly, frames and narratives are approached as two different yet complementary instances of discourse analysis. Lastly, two key discourses given by Angela Merkel and Jean- Claude Juncker are investigated with the purpose of identifying how frames and narratives combine to tell the story of European integration under the pressure of the refugees’ flows.



难民危机已将整个2015年的欧洲议题定为公共议程。许多人认为,难民危机是对欧洲项目的另一种生存考验,这种新型危机引发了挫败感和极大的失望情绪,导致已经存在的局势进一步恶化。欧盟内部的分裂,例如西方和东方之间的分裂,“净债务人”(现在被标记为难民的净支持者)和“净债权人”(现在被广泛认为是移民的对手)。值得注意的是,安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)宣布,难民危机正在“考验欧洲的勇气”(2015),而让-克洛德·容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)则提出“责备游戏”正在破坏欧盟,各成员国指责“其他国家做得不够或没有做到”。做错事”(2015年)。本文认为,欧洲领导人通过其以情感和团结为中心的话语默契地助长了欧盟内部成员国之间的分裂,以及公众对极右翼仇外意识形态的依恋。通过结合叙述和框架的分析,本文重点讨论了欧洲领导人为应对移民危机这一敏感话题而采取的话语手段。首先,介绍了有关移民危机成因和发展的一些背景信息。其次,框架和叙事被视为话语分析的两个不同但互补的实例。最后,