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Introduction to special section on Organizational Challenges in the Knowledge Society
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-26 , DOI: 10.21018/rjcpr.2014.2.179
Anne Murray

I am pleased to have been asked to serve in the role of guest editor for this special section of the journal. I was honored to have been awarded a Senior Fulbright Scholar Fellowship to teach and work in Bucharest, Romania for the academic year 2012-2013. My host university, acoala Naþionala de Studii Politice oi Administrative, allowed me the enviable opportunity to have significant autonomy in my teaching and participation in other scholarly activities. As a result I learned certainly as much as I taught any of the graduate students in my classes. I am someone who has transformed my career several times, from clinical to consulting psychologist and from organizational consultant to academician. Always, people and their interactions with one another have been at the core of my interest. When those of us in the field of organizational behavior identify ourselves as working in the “human side of business”, cynical receivers of that comment scoff at the existence of a “human side” to business. Surely the preponderance of emphasis on financial gain and the ‘bottom line’ suggests that often the financial accounting carries more weight than attention to the people who do the work in organizations. And yet, as the articles in this special section – and indeed the majority of articles in all journals devoted to organizational behavior – indicate, there is great need to attend to the people who communicate, learn, share knowledge and skill, emote, plan, and are or are not engaged in the business of the organization. Any of the readers of this journal are well familiar with the history of human collectives – from agriculture/craft to industrialization to knowledge management. Readers are aware also of the transition in organizational emphasis from mechanistic, authoritative structures to more organic, participative structures. This evolution is certainly evident in the explosion of journal articles in the past decade on the topics of knowledge management, sustainability, transformational leadership and a host of other buzz words – all of which let us know we are talking about complex human interactions and complex systems of production. Despite our knowledge, schools of business “continue to treat the workplace and world as clockwork mechanisms too for the purpose of converting resources into shareholder value”. (Engdahl, 2005) And yet, as Engdahl impressively demonstrates, we do this 21 st century a great disservice to ignore what we are learning and teaching.



我很高兴被邀请担任该期刊这一特殊部分的客座编辑。我很荣幸获得2012年至2013学年在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特教授和工作的富布赖特高级学者奖学金。我的寄宿大学国立行政管理大学(AcoalaNaþionalade Studii Politice oi Administrative)给了我一个令人羡慕的机会,可以在我的教学和参与其他学术活动中享有极大的自主权。结果,我所学到的知识与在课堂上教授任何研究生一样多。从临床到咨询心理学家,从组织顾问到院士,我已经几次改变了我的职业生涯。始终,人们及其彼此之间的互动一直是我关注的核心。当我们中那些在组织行为领域中的人将自己确定为在“业务的人性方面”工作时,对此评论的愤世嫉俗的接受者嘲笑业务的“人性方面”的存在。当然,强调财务收益和“底线”的优势表明,财务会计往往比关注组织内的工作人员更重要。但是,正如本节中的文章以及实际上所有有关组织行为的期刊中的大多数文章所指出的那样,非常需要参加交流,学习,分享知识和技能,表达,计划,并且从事或未从事该组织的业务。该杂志的所有读者都非常熟悉人类集体的历史-从农业/手工业到工业化再到知识管理。读者也意识到组织重点从机械,权威结构到更有机,参与性结构的转变。在过去十年中有关知识管理,可持续性,变革型领导和许多其他流行语的期刊文章的爆炸式增长中,这种演变无疑是显而易见的-所有这些都让我们知道我们正在谈论复杂的人际互动和复杂的系统生产。尽管有我们的知识,但商学院“也继续将工作场所和世界视为发条机制,以将资源转化为股东价值”。(Engdahl,2005年)