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Review of The Interpersonal Communication Book, 13th edition by Joseph A. Devito, New York: Pearson, 2012, 432 pages
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations Pub Date : 2016-05-19 , DOI: 10.21018/rjcpr.2013.3.197
Ioana Schiau

Despite numerous handbooks, encyclopaedias and essential volumes on the topic which became available on the market throughout the years, one book stands apart, and has now reached its 13th edition and continues to inspire and inform young academics in universities worldwide. Joseph A. Devito’s “The Interpersonal Communication Book” is a well-structured and fundamental book on interpersonal communication, which covers topics as broad as relationships, conflict and communication ethics, and proves the key point that interpersonal communication is many-faceted, depending on dimensions such as individual apprehension, assertiveness or adequacy.


约瑟夫·A·德维托(Joseph A.

尽管多年来有很多关于该主题的手册,百科全书和必不可少的书籍,但其中一本书与众不同,现已发展到第13版,并继续启发和启发全球大学的年轻学者。约瑟夫·A·德维托(Joseph A. Devito)的“人际沟通书”是一本结构良好的基础人际关系书,涵盖了关系,冲突和沟通伦理等广泛主题,并证明了人际沟通多方面的关键点在于:维度,例如个人的忧虑,自信或充分性。