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Using connectivism theory and technology for knowledge creation in cross-cultural communication
Research in Learning Technology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-21 , DOI: 10.25304/rlt.v26.2061
Archana Shrivastava

This study examined the significance of connectivism theory and technology for knowledge creation in cross-cultural communication. The findings rely on the exercise designed and conducted by the facilitators of two different institutions/universities based in two different countries. This exercise was conducted for two intercultural management classes in New Delhi, India and Graz, Austria. This article used student-centric teaching approach and output-oriented methodology based on the principles of connectivism and knowledge creation. It demonstrates how these approaches foster lifelong learning in students. The task involved selection of commercial advertisements (preferably national ones), in which students were expected to work in virtual teams and find cultural differences in the interpretation between the participants from two countries: India and Austria. The key findings of this article are the following: The students learnt that an answer to a specific question might match the expectations at one point of time with one specific group of people, but might be different in some other point or with some other group of people. They examined the role of connectivism and its potential application in knowledge creation. They learnt that people generally see the world not as it is, but as they are, or, as they are conditioned to see it. Published: 21 December 2018 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2018, 26 : 2061 - http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v26.2061



这项研究探讨了连接主义理论和技术对于跨文化交流中知识创造的重要性。研究结果依赖于两个不同国家/地区的两个不同机构/大学的协调人设计和进行的活动。该练习是在印度新德里和奥地利格拉茨的两个跨文化管理课程中进行的。本文基于连接主义和知识创造的原理,采用了以学生为中心的教学方法和面向输出的方法。它说明了这些方法如何促进学生的终身学习。任务涉及选择商业广告(最好是全国性的广告),其中希望学生参加虚拟团队工作,并在来自两个国家的参与者之间的口译中发现文化差异:印度和奥地利。本文的主要发现如下:学生了解到,对一个特定问题的答案可能在某个时间点与一组特定人群的期望相符,但在某些时候或与另一组人群可能有所不同。人。他们研究了连接主义的作用及其在知识创造中的潜在应用。他们了解到,人们通常不是按原样而是按实际情况看待世界,或者视其有条件看待世界。发布时间:2018年12月21日引文:学习技术研究2018,26:2061-http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v26.2061 但在其他方面或与其他人群可能有所不同。他们研究了连接主义的作用及其在知识创造中的潜在应用。他们了解到,人们通常不是按原样而是按实际情况看待世界,或者视其有条件看待世界。发布时间:2018年12月21日引文:学习技术研究2018,26:2061-http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v26.2061 但在其他方面或与其他人群可能有所不同。他们研究了连接主义的作用及其在知识创造中的潜在应用。他们了解到,人们通常不是按原样而是按实际情况看待世界,或者视其有条件看到世界为条件。发布时间:2018年12月21日引文:学习技术研究2018,26:2061-http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v26.2061