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Donning the ‘Slow Professor’: A Feminist Action Research Project
Radical Teacher ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.5195/rt.2020.647
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree , Ann Hemingway , Sue Sudbury , Anne Quinney , Maggie Hutchings , Luciana Esteves , Shelley Thompson , Helen Jacey , Anita Diaz , Peri Bradley , Jenny Hall , Michele Board , Anna Feigenbaum , Lorraine Brown , Vanessa Heaslip , Liz Norton

Corporatization of Higher Education has introduced new performance measurements as well as an acceleration of academic tasks creating working environments characterised by speed, pressure and stress. This paper discusses findings from a qualitative, feminist participatory action research (PAR) study undertaken by an interdisciplinary team of women academics at a modern, corporate university in England. The study illuminates how corporatized HE erodes faculty autonomy, degrades learning environments, damages professional satisfaction and health. Strategies for resistance and liberation developed through the PAR process are discussed.Key words: slow professor, corporatized academy, Higher Education.



高等教育公司化引入了新的绩效衡量标准,并加速了学术任务,创造了以速度、压力和压力为特征的工作环境。本文讨论了由英国一所现代企业大学的跨学科女性学者团队进行的定性、女权主义参与式行动研究 (PAR) 研究的结果。该研究阐明了企业化的高等教育如何侵蚀教师的自主权、降低学习环境、损害专业满意度和健康。讨论了通过PAR过程发展起来的抵抗和解放的策略。关键词:缓慢的教授,公司化的学院,高等教育。