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Explaining Internalized Oppression Using the Film, Claudine
Radical Teacher ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-18 , DOI: 10.5195/rt.2019.557
Teresa A Booker

This is a teaching note. Therefore, I did not include an abstract. However, if there were one, it would be this:Lester and Tina Pine’s 1974 film, Claudine, is a fictitious story depicting the dating life of Claudine, a 36-year old African American mother of six who had been married twice (and “almost twice”). This film can be used to explain internalized oppression and how it might manifest itself differently even in individuals from the same families



这是教学笔记。因此,我没有包括摘要。然而,如果有的话,那就是这样的:莱斯特和蒂娜·派恩 1974 年的电影克劳丁是一个虚构的故事,描绘了克劳丁的约会生活,克劳丁是一位 36 岁的非洲裔美国母亲,有过两次婚姻(和“几乎两次”)。这部电影可以用来解释内在的压迫,以及它如何在同一家庭的个体中表现出来