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The effects of examination-driven teaching on mathematics achievement in Grade 10 school-based high-stakes examinations
Pythagoras ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-28 , DOI: 10.4102/pythagoras.v39i1.377
Onyumbe Okitowamba , Cyril Julie , Monde Mbekwa

Underachievement in school mathematics is a concern in most countries in the world. Watson and De Geest (2012) sketch the situation of underachievement in mathematics by drawing attention to ‘identifiable groups of students, such as those with different language backgrounds and those from lower socioeconomic rankings [who] underachieve in national and international tests’ (p. 213). Regarding the situation in South Africa, Reddy and Janse van Rensburg (2011) highlight two relevant characteristics in the South African education system. The first is that the national average mathematics achievement score for different grade levels across the schooling system is similar and stable, around 30% to 40% at different grades. The second is that there is a high differentiation of the educational performance of students from various socio-economic backgrounds.



在世界上大多数国家,学校数学成绩不佳是一个令人担忧的问题。Watson和De Geest(2012)通过提请人们注意``可识别的学生群体,例如语言背景不同的学生以及在国家和国际考试中不及格的社会经济地位较低的学生''(p。 213)。关于南非的情况,Reddy和Janse van Rensburg(2011)强调了南非教育体系中的两个相关特征。首先是整个教育系统中不同年级水平的全国平均数学成绩得分相似且稳定,不同年级之间的平均值约为30%至40%。第二个原因是,来自不同社会经济背景的学生的教育表现差异很大。