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Development of coordination and speed-power abilities in children 8-9 years with the help of exercise Classics
Physical Activity Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.16926/par.2020.08.06
Georgiy Polevoy

The aim of the study is to study the impact of the exercise «Classic’s» on the performance of coordination and speed-power abilities of younger schoolchildren. Methods – pedagogical experiment lasted for 9 months, it was attended by 50 children who study in a regular school in the second grade. Physical education lessons were held twice a week, for 40 minutes. Speed-power abilities were determined by the test «long Jump». Coordination abilities were determined by the «Shuttle run» test. Programs Excel-2016 and Biostatistica-2009, t-test (p<0.05) were used. Results – after a pedagogical study, the indicators of schoolchildren in CG improved, but not significantly. Children from EG, who performed the exercise «Classic’s» at each lesson in physical education in school, were able to significantly improve their performance in both tests. In the «Shuttle run» test, the results were 19.1% higher (p<0.05), while the «long Jump» test improved from 113.3±6.1 cm to 141.4±7.4 cm (p<0.05). The results of schoolchildren from EG, show the effectiveness of the use of exercises «Classic’s» in physical education lessons at school, as an addition to the standard program. Conclusion – if the lessons of physical culture in school with children 8-9 years to perform the exercise «Classic’s», the performance of speed-power and coordination abilities will improve significantly.



该研究的目的是研究“经典”运动对年轻学童协调能力和速度动力能力的影响。方法–教学实验持续了9个月,共有50名儿童在二年级的正规学校学习。体育课每周两次,共40分钟。速度动力能力由“跳远”测试确定。协调能力由“穿梭跑”测试确定。使用程序Excel-2016和Biostatistica-2009,t检验(p <0.05)。结果–经过教学研究,在校学生的CG指标有所改善,但没有明显改善。来自EG的孩子们在学校体育课的每节课上都进行了“经典”练习,因此他们的两项测试都能显着提高他们的成绩。在“ Shuttle run”测试中,结果提高了19.1%(p <0.05),而“ long Jump”测试从113.3±6.1 cm提高到了141.4±7.4 cm(p <0.05)。来自EG的小学生的结果表明,在标准体育课中,在学校的体育课中使用“经典”练习的有效性。结论–如果在8-9岁儿童的体育课上进行“经典”练习,则速度力量和协调能力的表现将大大提高。