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REVIEW: Noted: Powerful, unadulterated insight into West Papua
Pacific Journalism Review ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-21 , DOI: 10.24135/pjr.v23i1.324
Kendall Louise Hutt

The Earth Cries Out , by Bonnie Etherington. Auckland: Vintage, 2017, 285 pages. ISBN 978-0-14-377065-7 BONNIE ETHERINGTON'S debut novel, The Earth Cries Out , may be fiction, but it tells the true, powerful, story of West Papua, a nation separated from its Pacific brothers and sisters by Indonesian repression. The novel also serves as a useful background tool for journalists and provides them with an opportunity to learn of the human rights violations in West Papua.



地球在呼喊,邦妮·埃瑟林顿着。奥克兰:Vintage,2017 年,285 页。ISBN 978-0-14-377065-7 BONNIE ETHERINGTON 的处女作《地球在呼喊》可能是虚构的,但它讲述了西巴布亚的真实、强大的故事,这个国家因印度尼西亚的镇压而与太平洋兄弟姐妹分离。这部小说还可以作为记者有用的背景工具,并为他们提供了解西巴布亚侵犯人权的机会。