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Standoff in Papua New Guinea: Students take issue over corruption
Pacific Journalism Review ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-31 , DOI: 10.24135/pjr.v22i2.71
Emily Matasororo

Commentary: A widespread student national boycott of classes and protests against the government of Peter O’Neill in Papua New Guinea during May and June 2016, supported by many civil society groups and activists. The epicentre of these protests was the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) in the nation's capital, Port Moresby. Demonstrations stirred by allegations of corruption against Prime Minister O'Neill grew in intensity until police opened fire on peaceful protesters on June 8. The protests were largely organised by the elected UPNG Student Representative Council, which entered into alliances with other tertiary student bodies, especially at the University of Technology in Lae, and civil society groups such as UPNG Focus and the Community Coalition Against Corruption. The essential argument of the students was that instead of thwarting investigations into allegations that $30 million of fraudulent legal bills were paid to the legal firm Paraka Lawyers, O’Neill should resign from office and present himself to the police investigators for questioning as they had demanded. This article focuses on the student leadership’s role and critiques the coverage of two major national press outlets, the PNG Post-Courier and The National, leading to the temporary shutdown of the university. It argues that there were issues of ethics and integrity at stake with both students and the news media.



评论:2016 年 5 月和 6 月,巴布亚新几内亚学生全国普遍抵制课堂和抗议彼得奥尼尔政府,得到了许多民间社会团体和活动家的支持。这些抗议活动的中心是位于该国首都莫尔兹比港的巴布亚新几内亚大学 (UPNG)。Demonstrations stirred by allegations of corruption against Prime Minister O'Neill grew in intensity until police opened fire on peaceful protesters on June 8. The protests were largely organised by the elected UPNG Student Representative Council, which entered into alliances with other tertiary student bodies, especially在莱城科技大学,以及 UPNG Focus 和社区反腐败联盟等民间社会团体。学生们的主要论点是,奥尼尔不应阻挠有关向律师事务所 Paraka Lawyers 支付 3000 万美元欺诈性法律账单的指控的调查,而是应该辞职并按照警方的要求向警方调查人员提出质疑. 本文重点关注学生领导的作用,并批评两大国家新闻机构 PNG Post-Courier 和 The National 的报道,导致大学暂时关闭。它认为,学生和新闻媒体都存在道德和诚信问题。奥尼尔应该辞职,并按照警方的要求向警方调查人员提出询问。本文重点关注学生领导的作用,并批评两大国家新闻机构 PNG Post-Courier 和 The National 的报道,导致大学暂时关闭。它认为,学生和新闻媒体都存在道德和诚信问题。奥尼尔应该辞职,并按照警方的要求向警方调查人员提出询问。本文重点关注学生领导的作用,并批评两大国家新闻机构 PNG Post-Courier 和 The National 的报道,导致大学暂时关闭。它认为,学生和新闻媒体都存在道德和诚信问题。