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Association between Field of Work, Years of Service, and Sickness Absenteeism in Public Administration
Organizacija ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.2478/orga-2020-0004
Jernej Buzeti 1

Abstract Background and Purpose: Statistics of sickness absenteeism in public administration in Slovenia is considerably higher (7.1% in 2018) than the percentage that applies for the whole of Slovenia (4.5% in 2018). The data also shows a similar pattern in the public sector in other countries. According to that, the main purpose of our research is to investigate the connection between fields of work, years of service, and sickness absenteeism in public administration in Slovenia. Methodology: Research data was collected with the help of an online questionnaire, which was designed for empirical research and consisted of several sets of questions. The collected data was processed using the SPSS statistical program. Results: The research was conducted in 2015 in public administration institutions, and 3,220 employees from public administration were included in our research sample. The results of the research show that there is a statistically significant connection between sickness absenteeism in public administration and years of service and the field of work of employees in public administration. Conclusion: The survey helps us to understand the connection between sickness absenteeism and years of service and field of work of employees in public administration. With regard to the results, it would be reasonable to adopt measures focused on groups of employees in public administration (older employees with a greater length of service, employed officials and professional-technical public employees) where sickness absence may be reduced. Sickness absenteeism in these groups of employees could be reduced by providing employees better leadership and conditions for satisfaction in the workplace.



摘要背景与目的:斯洛文尼亚公共行政部门的缺勤率统计数据(2018年为7.1%)要高于整个斯洛文尼亚的百分比(2018年为4.5%)。数据在其他国家的公共部门也显示出类似的模式。据此,我们研究的主要目的是调查斯洛文尼亚公共行政工作领域,服务年限和疾病缺勤之间的联系。方法:研究数据是借助在线调查表收集的,该调查表是为实证研究而设计的,由几组问题组成。使用SPSS统计程序处理收集的数据。结果:这项研究是在2015年在公共管理机构进行的,其中3个是 我们的研究样本包括220名来自公共管理部门的员工。研究结果表明,公共行政部门的缺勤和服务年限与公共行政部门员工的工作领域之间存在统计学上的显着联系。结论:该调查有助于我们了解疾病缺勤与公共行政部门员工的服务年限和工作领域之间的联系。关于结果,采取针对公共管理部门雇员群体(服务时间更长的老年雇员,受雇官员和专业技术公职人员)的措施是合理的,这样可以减少疾病的发作。