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A Year of Pride: Revisiting the Activism Inspired by LGSM’s Support for the Onllwyn Miners
Open Library of Humanities ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.16995/olh.342
Jade Evans

In 2015, the year following Pride’s distribution, UK and international fans were able to participate in events inspired by the film which supported activist causes. This article is a reminiscence of events I participated in with Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM), and an examination of the extent to which they relate to the events in Pride. Events discussed which were directly inspired by Pride include a restaging of a photo of LGSM in Hyde Park at the 1985 London Pride, a fundraising party similar to the Pits and Perverts benefit ball where Bronwen Lewis performed ‘Bread and Roses’, and LGSM and the miners leading the 2015 London Pride march. The events which related to moments in Pride became symbolic of the politics expressed within the film, but linked to contemporary issues. I will reflect on how LGSM brought the politics of their miners’ strike activism into the events discussed, encouraging a younger generation, many of whom were not born when the miners’ strike happened, to become involved in the activism that emerged out of Pride. Finally, I will end the piece by reflecting on LGSM’s decision to wind down on activities not directly related to the miners’ strike or its politics to support newly established groups supporting various causes, including migrant rights and struggling industrial workers. LGSM marked this with a farewell party, which was particularly moving, as the date coincided with the final day of work in Britain’s last coal mine, making LGSM and Pride’s messages of political unity all the more potent.



在《傲慢》发行后的第二年,2015年,英国和国际影迷得以参加由该电影启发的活动,这些活动支持了激进主义者的事业。本文使我想起了我与女同性恋者和同性恋者支持矿工(LGSM)一起参加的活动,并回顾了它们与《傲慢》中的事件相关的程度。所讨论的活动直接受到Pride的启发,包括重拍1985年伦敦Pride在海德公园(Hyde Park)的LGSM的照片,类似于Pits and Perverts福利球的筹款晚会,其中Bronwen Lewis表演了“面包和玫瑰”,LGSM和矿工领导2015年伦敦骄傲游行。与《傲慢》中的时刻有关的事件成为电影中表达的政治象征,但与当代问题相关。我将反思LGSM如何将他们的矿工罢工行动的政治带入讨论的事件中,并鼓励年轻一代参与其中,他们中的许多人不是在矿工罢工发生时出生的。最后,我将通过反思LGSM的决定来结束本篇文章,该决定将结束与矿工罢工或其政治不直接相关的活动,以支持支持各种原因的新成立的团体,包括移民权利和苦苦挣扎的工业工人。LGSM举行了欢送会,这一举动特别动人,因为日期恰逢英国最后一个煤矿的最后工作日,这使LGSM和Pride的政治团结信息更加有效。许多人不是在矿工罢工发生时出生的,而是参与了从《骄傲》中崛起的行动主义。最后,我将通过反思LGSM的决定来结束本篇文章,该决定将结束与矿工罢工或其政治不直接相关的活动,以支持支持各种原因的新成立的团体,包括移民权利和苦苦挣扎的工业工人。LGSM举行了欢送会,这一举动特别动人,因为日期恰逢英国最后一个煤矿的最后工作日,这使LGSM和Pride的政治团结信息更加有效。许多人不是在矿工罢工发生时出生的,而是参与了从《骄傲》中崛起的行动主义。最后,我将通过反思LGSM的决定来结束本篇文章,该决定将结束与矿工罢工或其政治不直接相关的活动,以支持支持各种原因的新成立的团体,包括移民权利和苦苦挣扎的工业工人。LGSM举行了欢送会,这一举动特别动人,因为日期恰逢英国最后一个煤矿的最后工作日,这使LGSM和Pride的政治团结信息更加有效。最后,我将回顾LGSM的决定,即结束与矿工罢工或政治活动不直接相关的活动,以支持支持各种原因的新成立的团体,包括移民权利和苦苦挣扎的工业工人,而在文章的结尾。LGSM举行了欢送会,这一举动特别动人,因为日期恰逢英国最后一个煤矿的最后工作日,这使LGSM和Pride的政治团结信息更加有效。最后,我将回顾LGSM的决定,即结束与矿工罢工或政治活动不直接相关的活动,以支持支持各种原因的新成立的团体,包括移民权利和苦苦挣扎的工业工人,而结束本篇文章。LGSM举行了欢送会,这一举动特别动人,因为日期恰逢英国最后一个煤矿的最后工作日,这使LGSM和Pride的政治团结信息更加有效。