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Anthropocene Presences and the Limits of Deferral: Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria and The Swan Book
Open Library of Humanities ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.16995/olh.348
Kylie Crane

Literary criticism, particularly ecocriticism, occupies an uneasy position with regard to activism: reading books (or plays, or poems) seems like a rather leisurely activity to be undertaking if our environment—our planet—is in crisis. And yet, critiquing the narratives that structure worlds and discourses is key to the activities of the (literary) critic in this time of crisis. If this crisis manifests as a ‘crisis of imagination’ (e.g. Ghosh), I argue that this not so much a crisis of the absence of texts that address the environmental disaster, but rather a failure to comprehend the presences of the Anthropocene in the present. To interpret (literary) texts in this framework must entail acknowledging and scrutinising the extent of the incapacity of the privileged reader to comprehend the crisis as presence and present rather than spatially or temporally remote. The readings of the novels Carpentaria (2006) and The Swan Book (2013) by Waanyi writer Alexis Wright (Australia) trace the uneven presences of Anthropocenes in the present by way of bringing future worlds (The Swan Book) to the contemporary (Carpentaria). In both novels, protagonists must forge survival amongst ruins of the present and future: the depicted worlds, in particular the representations of the disenfranchisement of indigenous inhabitants of the far north of the Australian continent, emerge as a critique of the intersections of capitalist and colonial projects that define modernity and its impact on the global climate.



文学批评,特别是生态批评在行动主义方面占据不安的地位:如果我们的环境(我们的星球)处于危机之中,读书(或戏剧,诗歌)似乎是一项很悠闲的活动。然而,批评构成世界和话语的叙事是危机时期(文学)评论家活动的关键。如果这种危机表现为“想象力危机”(例如,戈什),我认为,这与其说是没有针对环境灾难的文本的缺乏,倒不如说是对目前人类世界的理解的一种危机。 。要在此框架下解释(文学)文本,必须承认和审查有特权的读者无能力理解危机的存在性和存在性,而不是在空间或时间上遥不可及。Waanyi作家亚历克西斯·赖特(澳大利亚)对小说《卡彭塔里亚》(2006年)和《天鹅书》(2013年)的阅读通过将未来世界(《天鹅书》)带入当代(卡彭塔里亚),追溯了人类世间不平衡的存在。 。在这两本小说中,主人公都必须在现在和未来的废墟中生存:描绘的世界,尤其是澳大利亚大陆最北端的土著居民被剥夺公民权的表现,