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Suicide Risk in Emerging Adulthood: Associations with Screen Time over 10 years
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-020-01389-6
Sarah M Coyne 1 , Jeffrey L Hurst 1 , W Justin Dyer 1 , Quintin Hunt 1 , Emily Schvanaveldt 1 , Sara Brown 1 , Gavin Jones 1

Suicide rates have increased over the past decade, and screen media (and social media in particular) are often blamed for this marked increase. However, there is little longitudinal research on this topic. The current study examined the link between various types of screen media use over a 10-year period (from adolescence to emerging adulthood) to suicide risk in emerging adulthood. Participants included 500 adolescents (51% female) who were first surveyed in 2009, when they were an average of 13.82 years old (range 12-15 years). For girls, a high level of social media or television use in early adolescence followed by a marked increase over time was most predictive of suicide risk in emerging adulthood. Additionally, video game use that increased over time was also associated with a higher risk for developing suicide risk for girls. A passive sensing measurement was also included at the final wave of data collection to obtain a more accurate and complete picture of phone use in particular. The use of entertainment apps was risky for girls while reading apps were risky for boys. Additionally, video game use (for boys) was associated with suicide risk when cyberbullying was also high. Identifying nonnormative patterns of media during adolescence may be instructive in terms of suicide prevention efforts.


新兴成年期的自杀风险:与 10 年以上屏幕时间的关联

自杀率在过去十年有所增加,而屏幕媒体(尤其是社交媒体)往往被归咎于这种显着增加。然而,关于这个主题的纵向研究很少。目前的研究调查了 10 年期间(从青春期到成年期)使用各种类型的屏幕媒体与成年期自杀风险之间的联系。参与者包括 2009 年首次接受调查的 500 名青少年(51% 为女性),当时他们的平均年龄为 13.82 岁(范围为 12-15 岁)。对于女孩来说,在青春期早期大量使用社交媒体或电视,然后随着时间的推移显着增加,最能预测成年后的自杀风险。此外,随着时间的推移而增加的电子游戏使用也与女孩发生自杀风险的风险增加有关。在最后一波数据收集中还包括被动传感测量,以获取更准确、更完整的手机使用情况。使用娱乐应用程序对女孩有风险,而阅读应用程序对男孩有风险。此外,当网络欺凌也很高时,使用电子游戏(男孩)与自杀风险有关。识别青春期媒体的非规范模式可能对预防自杀工作具有指导意义。
