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High resolution size characterization of particulate contaminants for radioactive metal waste treatment
Nuclear Engineering and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.net.2021.01.029
Min-Ho Lee , Wonseok Yang , Nakkyu Chae , Sungyeol Choi

To regulate the safety protocols in nuclear facilities, radioactive aerosols have been extensively researched to understand their health impacts. However, most measured particle-size distributions remain at low resolutions, with the particle sizes ranging from nanometer to micrometer. This study combines the high-resolution detection of 500 size classes, ranging from 6 nm to 10 μm, for aerodynamic diameter distributions, with a regional lung deposition calculation. We applied the new approach to characterize particle-size distributions of aerosols generated during the plasma arc cutting of simulated non-radioactive steel alloy wastes. The high-resolution measured data were used to calculate the deposition ratios of the aerosols in different lung regions. The deposition ratios in the alveolar sacs contained the dominant particle sizes ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 μm. We determined the distribution of various metals using different vapor pressures of the alloying components and analyzed the uncertainties of lung deposition calculations using the low-resolution aerodynamic diameter data simultaneously. In high-resolution data, the changes in aerosols that can penetrate the blood system were better captured, correcting their potential risks by a maximum of 42%. The combined calculations can aid the enhancement of high-resolution measuring equipment to effectively manage radiation safety in nuclear facilities.



为了规范核设施的安全协议,人们对放射性气溶胶进行了广泛的研究,以了解其对健康的影响。然而,大多数测量的粒度分布仍处于低分辨率,粒度范围从纳米到微米。这项研究结合了 500 个尺寸级别的高分辨率检测,范围从 6 nm 到 10 μm,用于空气动力学直径分布,以及区域肺沉积计算。我们应用新方法来表征在模拟非放射性钢合金废料的等离子弧切割过程中产生的气溶胶的粒度分布。高分辨率测量数据用于计算不同肺区域气溶胶的沉积率。肺泡囊中的沉积率包含范围从 0.01 到 0.1 μm 的主要粒径。我们使用合金成分的不同蒸气压确定了各种金属的分布,并同时使用低分辨率空气动力学直径数据分析了肺沉积计算的不确定性。在高分辨率数据中,可以更好地捕获可以穿透血液系统的气溶胶变化,将其潜在风险最多纠正 42%。联合计算有助于增强高分辨率测量设备,以有效管理核设施的辐射安全。我们使用合金成分的不同蒸气压确定了各种金属的分布,并同时使用低分辨率空气动力学直径数据分析了肺沉积计算的不确定性。在高分辨率数据中,可以更好地捕获可以穿透血液系统的气溶胶变化,将其潜在风险最多纠正 42%。联合计算有助于增强高分辨率测量设备,以有效管理核设施的辐射安全。我们使用合金成分的不同蒸气压确定了各种金属的分布,并同时使用低分辨率空气动力学直径数据分析了肺沉积计算的不确定性。在高分辨率数据中,可以更好地捕获可以穿透血液系统的气溶胶变化,将其潜在风险最多纠正 42%。联合计算有助于增强高分辨率测量设备,以有效管理核设施的辐射安全。
